Dr. Syed Mohd Yahya
Ph.D (IIT Delhi)
Associate Professor
CFD, Turbulence, Heat transfer, Nanofluid Applications, Hybrid PV/Thermal Systems
313-Wadi-e-Ismail Near Hadi Nagar Dhorrah, Aligarh
Dr. Yahya received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh in 2010 and PhD from Applied Mechanics Department IIT Delhi in 2015. He has worked with Prof. Sanghi and Prof. Anwer on Turbulence Modelling in Solar reciever. During his doctoral studies, Dr. Yahya studied the role of thermo-physical properties in stably startified turbulence. A Low Mach Number Solver for Non-Boussinesq simulation of turbulent channel flow was developed in this work. The publication based on this work has appeared in SCI journals like European Physical Journal-E, Numerical Heat transfer Part-A, Int. Journal of Thermal Sciences, etc. Apart from this few more papers were published in the field of nanofluid and energy system namely Nanoscience and Nanotechnology letters, Ind. Engg & Chemistry Research (ACS), etc.
He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh 2015 as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Yahya got three projects from different govt. funding agency in his early career namely UGC start-up grant, TEQIP-II Seed Money and DST-SERB. Recently Dr. Yahya has received Early Career Research award from Ministry of Science and Technology Govt. Of India. His research interests include Mixed convective turbulence, Modeling of droplet motion in fibrous media, Pool boiling heat transfer in nanofluids, Investigation of thermo-physical properties of nanofluids, and its applications in energy harvesting. He also design new elective courses like Biofluid Dynamics and changes the existing syllabi of many UG/PG courses. Presently he is working on Hybrid PV/Thermal system and colloborating with Prof. Peter R N Childs, Faculty of Engineering, Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial college London.