Internal Medicine, Metaboliic Disorders
A-15, Medical Colony, A.M.U, Aligarh-202002
Prof. Dr.Shahzad F. Haque, MD (Medicine),PhD (Medicine) is having more than 32 years of teaching and research experience in the thrust areas of Internal Medicine: Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Gene Polymorphism, Chronic Kidney Diseases. He has been awarded PhD in Medicine(2010).He is the Consultant In-charge in General Medicine .Besides Teacher in Charge of Post Graduate teaching. Under his supervision 55 students have been awarded MD. He is Examiner of MBBS/MD of several State and Central Universities besides Advisor to UPSC, New Delhi and Inspector of Medical Council of India(NMC). Besides editorial advisor and reviewer of many journals, he has authored 06 books, 10 chapters and 47 papers, 52 proceedings, and 42 Conference presentations, in high impact indexed international journals like Journal of Diabetology, Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism, Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Chinese Medical Journal, Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. His Citations exceed 575 H-index 13 and I -10 index 13.
- Key Publications
1.Metabolic Syndrome: The Targeted Therapeutic Options, ISBN- 978-3-8484-3241-7 A V Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co Shahzad F. Haque , 2012
2.Resistant Gram Negative Infections : The Challenges Ahead.Shahzad F. Haque, AU Khan 2012,ISBN 978-3-659-15558-1A V Akademikerverlag GmbH
3.Metabolic Syndrome: The Current and emerging concepts. Shahzad F.Haque, 2013,ISBN 978-93-5067-598-4,International Press, India
4.Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Sleeping Epidemic- Overview and Treatment,2014,S.F.Haque, Zafar, Zahid, Lambert &Co. Germany,ISBN:978-3-659-52524-7
5.Endothelial Dysfunction In Metabolic Syndrome: Endothelial Dysfunction in Metabolic Syndrome Brachial Artery Flow Mediated Dilation - A Novel Non-invasive Modality, K S Zafar, S.F. Hague, 2014, ISBN-10: 9783659539589, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing ,Germany
5.Basics of Electrocardiography for Undergraduates, A.S.Khan S.F.Haque,1995,. Aligarh,India
Chapters in Books/ Medical Updates:
1.Management of anemia in Chronic Kidney disease. Shahzad F. Haque, ASKhan, Medicine Update, Vol.20
A.P.I, Mumbai,2010
2.Cardio-Renal Syndrome : Khan SA, Gupta V, Haque SF, Medicine Update, Vol.20A.P.I, Mumbai,2010
3.Reversible Factors In Acute Renal Failure: S.F. Haque, A.S.Khan Medicine Update, Vol.20A.P.I, Mumbai,2011
4.Urinary Incontinence in Elderly. Shahzad F. Haque Geriatric health in India,A.P.I,W.B Branch,Kolkata 2009
5.Hypertension in Chronic Renal Failure. S.F.Haque, A.S.Khan Medicine Update, Vol.16,A.P.I, Mumbai,2007
6.Renal Tuberculosis in India: Prevalence, Presentations and Management S.F.Haque Medicine Update, Vol.13A.P.I, Mumbai2003
7.C. A.P. D: A newer mode of renal replacement Therapy. ASKhan, S.F.Haque ,Medicine Update Vol.10,A.P.I, Mumbai,2000
8.S.F.Haque, A.S.Khan: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Chapter-3, In Issues in Medicine. An Update. Proceedings North Zone-CME, Endo.S. of India, 2003
9.Drugs and Kidneys: A.S.Khan, S.F.Haque,Hand book of Clinical NephrologyI. M.S, B.H.U, Varanasi,2001
10.Zafar Masood Ansari, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Rahat Ali Khan, Shahzad Faizul Haque: Protective Role of Nigella sativa in Diabetic Nephropathy: A Randomized Clinical Trail. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 2017; 28(1):9-14.
11.Khan IA, Nasiruddin M, Haque SF, Khan RA. Comparative evaluation of efficacy and safety profile of rhubarb and ?-keto analogues of essential amino acids supplementation in patients of diabetic nephropathy. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 2016;27(4):710-716.
12.Irfan Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Shahzad F. Haque and Rahat A. Khan. Current approaches in the management of chronic kidney disease: A review. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2016;3(6):263-267
13. Zafar M Ansari, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Rahat A Khan, Shahzad F Qaque. “Evaluation of efficacy and safety profile of Nigella sativa oil supplementation in patients of chronic kidney disease” Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2016;9(2):107-110.
14.Irfan A. Khan, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Shahzad F. Haque and Rahat A. Khan. Evaluation of rhubarb Supplementation in Stage 3 and 4 of chronic kidney disease: A randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Chronic Diseases, 2014.
15.Khan IA, Nasiruddin M, Haque SF, Khan RA. A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ?-keto amino acids supplementation in stage 3 and 4 patients of chronic kidney disease. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research July, 2014;7(3):21-24.
16.Irfan A. Khan, Mohammad Nasiruddin, Shahzad F. Haque. Rahat A. Khan. Clinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of ? keto analogus of essential amino acids supplementation in patients of chronic kidney disease. International journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, May-June 2014;3(3):484-489.
17.Correlation of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients of coronary artery disease.KS Zafar, NA Wafai, SF Haque
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 4 (3), 739-742, 2016
18.Current approaches in the management of chronic kidney disease: a review
IA Khan, M Nasiruddin, SF Haque, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8 (3), 327-330, 201519.Protective role of Nigella sativa in diabetic nephropathy: A randomized clinical trial
ZM Ansari, M Nasiruddin, RA Khan, SF Haque
Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 28 (1), 9, 2017
20.Clinical and bacteriological profile of UTI patients attending a North Indian tertiary care centerS Quaiser, R Khan, F Khan, M Rizvi, S Haque, A Khan
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 8 (6), 2015
21.Chromium induced AKI: case with protean implications
R Khan, S Quaiser, A Sharma, SF Haque
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 7 (2), 136, 2014
22.Metabolic syndrome and non alcolohic fatty liver disease association-a study in rural tertiary care centre in north India Zafar KS, AA, Haque SF..
Int J Res Health Sci . 2014;2(4):1057-63.
23.Zafar KS, Wafai NA, Haque SF. A study of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients of coronary artery disease.Int J Res Med Sci 2016;4:739-42.
24.HIV-Malaria: An emerging challenge for the mankind
KS Zafar, A Kumar, SF Haque,Int J Res Health Sci 2 (4), 1143-9, 2014
25.I. A Khan,M. Nasiruddin, S. F. Haque, R. A.Khan.
Clinical Evaluation and safety of eficacy and seafety of ?-ketoanalogs of essential amino acids supplementation in patients of chronic kidney disease.Inter.J. Basic and Clin. Pharmacology 2014;3:484-9
(ISSN-2319-2003)26.I. A Khan,M. Nasiruddin, S. F. Haque, R. A.Khan. Evaluation of Rhubarb supplementation in stages 3 and 4 of of Chronic Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial Int. J. Chronic Diseases 2014;3:484-9 (SSN-2319-2003)
27.Khan R, Quaiser S, Haque SF. Malarial Acute Kidney Injury: Prognostic markers. Ann Trop Med Public Health 2013;6:280-4( ISSN:1755-6783)
28.S. F.Haque Peroxisome Proliferators Activated Receptor-? Agonists: Pioglitazone and Telmisartan; potential therapeutic approaches to the Metabolic Syndrome Journal of Diabetiology. 2012; 1:2-6 (ISSN: 2078-5685)
29.Shahzad F. Haque, Sufian Zaheer, A.A.Koshy, "Malondialdehyde: An efficient marker of target organ dysfunction in Hypertension. Journal of Medical Research and Practice. 2012;1(4):76-79 ( ISSN: 2162-6391)
30.S.F. Haque Extended spectrum beta-lactamases mediated resistance in urinary tract infections: Changing profile at a teaching hospital of North India. International J Current Bio. Medical Sci. 2011: 1(3): 103-107
(ISSN:0976-5263)31.Shahzad F. Haque, S.Z, Ali, Mohammed TP, Asad U Khan, Prevalence of plasmid mediated blaTEM-1 and bla- CTX-M -15 type Extended spectrum beta-lactamases(ESB Lin patients with sepsis. Asian Pacif J Trop Med 2011:412-420 (ISSN:1995-7645)
34.S.F. Haque, M Ahmad, AU Khan, V Gupta, AS Khan Insertion /Deletion gene polymorphism and genomic sequence in Diabetic nephropathy
Int J Diab. Metabol. 2010:18; 114-118 (ISSN:1606-7754)35.Gupta V, Sachdeva S, Khan AS, Haque SF. Diffuse proliferative crescentic lupus nephritis with normal renal function. Saudi J Kidney Dis Tran. 2012; 23: 343-5 (ISSN-1319-2442)
36.G.Mittal, V.Gupta, Shahzad F. Haque, AS.Khan Effect of Angiotensin converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism in patients with metabolic syndrome in North Indian population.Chinese Medical Journal 11:124(1);
45-48 , ISSN:0366-6999
37.Khan R, Quaiser S, Haque SF. Malarial acute kidney injury: Prognostic markers. Ann Trop Med Public Health 2013;6:280-4(ISSN:0974-6005)
38.Gupta V, Sachdeva S, Khan A.S, Haque S.F Endothelial dysfunction & inflammation in different stages of
essential hypertension. Saudi J Kid DisTrans.2011; 22(1): 97-103, (ISSN-1319-2442)39.Evaluation of safety and efficacy profile of Nigella sativa oil as an add-on therapy, in addition to alpha-keto analogue of essential amino acids in patients with chronic kidney disease,Alam Mohd Ashraf, Nasiruddin Mohammad, Haque Shahzad F, Khan Rahat Ali , Saudi Kidney Diseases and Renal Transplantation,2020, 31 (10, 21