Pediatric Dentistry
Shyam EnterprisesAshapur Sarnath, Varanasi-7
- Publication
1. T. P. Chaturvedi ,M. K. Jindal - Temporomandibular Pain/Dysfunction as a reason for Orthodontic Treatment â?? A Recent Concept, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 18 (2000).
2. M. K. Jindal, T. P. Chaturvedi, - Orthodontic Problems and their Treatment Planning in the Primary Dentition, - Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol.71 Nov- Dec 2000.
3. M. K. Jindal, T. P. Chaturvedi â?? Histopathological Response of 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite used as Root Canal Irrigant, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 18 (2000).
4. M. K. Jindal, T. P. Chaturvedi, Nasir A. Salati Teething Disorders â?? An Overview, Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol.72, April 2001.
5. S.K. Mishra, Ashok Kumar, T. P. Chaturvedi, M. K. Jindal, Natural and Acrylic Tooth Pontic in Conservative Bridges â?? A Case Study, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 19 (2001).
6. T. P. Chaturvedi, M. K. Jindal, Afshan Bey - Adult Orthodontic Treatment and Periodontal Consideration, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, UP. Branch, Vol.19, 2001.
7. Afroz A. Ansari, M. K. Jindal - An Evaluation of Microleakage with Glass Ionomer Cement & Composite Resin Restorations, -Â Journal of Indian Dental Association, Aligarh Branch, The Cusp, Vol.1, No 2, 2004.
8. M. K. Jindal Afroz A. Ansari, - Mouth Breathing-an Update, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, Aligarh Branch, The Cusp, vol.1, no 2, 2004.
9. Afroz A. Ansari, M. K. Jindal - Apexification: A Case Report, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 22, 2004.
10. Afroz A. Ansari, M. K. Jindal - Comparative Evaluation of Marginal Adaptation of Glass Ionomer Cements and Compomer, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch. Vol- 23, 2005.
11. S.C.Pandey, M. K. Jindal, S.K.Mishra - Non Surgical Management of Pulpo â?? Periapical Lesion with Immature Apices- Case Study, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch. Vol. 23, 2005.
12. Afroz A. Ansari, M. K. Jindal: Anterior Tooth Trauma and Periapical Surgery in Relation to Traumatized Upper Anterior Tooth A Case Report, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, Aligarh Branch, The Cusp- Vol. 2, 2005.13. M. K. Jindal, Nazia Nazir S., Talat Bashir, - Glass Ionomer Cement in Primary Dentition,- Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 24-2006.
14. Adil N.F, Ahmed S.S, Jindal M.K, Arshad S.H - Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Teeth- Case Report, - ISPPD, Vol-25, Issue-5 ,2007
15. M. K. Jindal, Irfanul Haque, M. Naseef Ashraf - Oligodontia in the Deciduous and Permanent Dentition, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, U.P. Branch, Vol. 25 -2007-8.
16. Sarwar H.G, Jindal M.K, Ahmed SS Cemento - Ossifying Fibroma - A Rare Case, - ISPPD, Published, - Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. Vol-26 Issue-3 year 2008.
17. M.K.Jindal, Adil Nadeem Faridi, G.S.Hashmi, S.S.Ahmed - Odontodysplasia- A Case Report, - Published In Indian Dentist Research and Review. Vol-3 issue-2, Sept 2008.
18. Suneel Sharma, R. Pradhan, Mridula Trehan, M.K.Jindal - Incidence of Nasal Injuries in Maxillofacial Trauma, - Journal of Indian Dental Association, Aligarh Branch, The Cusp. Vol-5 no2 July â??Dec 2008.
19. M.K. Jindal, Md Asadullah, SK. Mishra - Surgical Management of Periapical Lesion with Dense in Dente, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol. 2, No-2, January-April 2009.
20. M. K. Jindal, Vivek Kumar Sharma, Ibyne Ahmed, Ashish Agarwal - Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis of Maxilla and Mandible in 6 years Old Child: A Case Report, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol-2, August 2009.
21. Mohammad Sami Ahmad, M.K.Jindal, Saif Khan ,S.H.Hashmi - Oral Health Knowledge, Practice, Oral Hygiene Status and Dental Caries Prevalence Among Visually Impaired Students in Residential Institute of Aligarh, - Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene, Vol-1(2), 022-026, August, 2009,.
22. M. K. Jindal, Sandhaya Maheshwari, Radhika Verma, Mohd Toseef Khan - Comparative Study of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta in Different Families of the Same Topographical Region, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol-2(3),Sept-Dec 2009, 27-34.
23. Radhika Verma, M. K. Jindal, Sandhaya Maheshwari - Familial Cleidocranial Dysplasia, by International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol. 3, no-1, January-April 2010;57-61
24. Amit Kumar Garg, R.K.Tewari, M.K.Jindal, Neha Agarwal - Redix Entomolaris: A Clinical Challenge, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol-3 No-2 May -August 2010 , 105-106
25. SK.Mishra, M.K.Jindal, Rajat Pratap Singh, Thomas R. Stark, G.S. Hashmi - Sub Merrged and Impacted Primary Molars, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol-3(3), Sept-Dec 2010, 211-213.
26. R.K.Tewari, S.K.Mishra, Ashok Kumar, Amit Kumar Garg, M.K.Jindal, Harish Juneja â?? Single, by Step Endodontic Management of Immature Apices Using MTA, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, - Vol-4 (3) page 260-263, Dec.
27. Shailesh Varshney, Uday Dangi, P.N. Tandon, M. K. Jindal, Sami Ahmad, Akansha Gautam - Poor Periodontal Health as a risk Factor for Development of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women, - Indian Journal of Dental Specialties & Research, Vol-30 (1) Jan 2012.
28. M. K. Jindal, Saima Yunus Khan - How To Feed Cleft Patient, - International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, Vol-6 (2) May â??August , 2013, 100-103.
29. Sumaiya Arfin, Shazra Tasneem, Saima Yunus Khan, M.K.Jindal (2014) Self Infected Palatal Soft Tissue Injury. American Journal of Research Communication. Vol 2, 10 (2014) 153-158.
30. M.K.Jindal, G.S.Hashmi, Sandhaya Maheshwari, Mohd. T. Khan Interdisciplinary Management of compound odontoma university of Dental Science 2015 Vol. 1 issue 1, page 1-2.
31. Saima Yunus Khan, M.K. Jindal (2016): A Complimentary Index Medical Journal of Cairo University. Vol 84 (1), 383-386.
32. Akash Bhatnagar, M. K. Jindal, Saima Yunus Khan (2016) Biological Post and Core: An Innovative Approach. International Journal of Oral Health Medical Research. vol 3 (4) :75-78.
33. Akash Bhatnagar, M. K. Jindal , Saima Yunus Khan, (2017) Validity of Moyerâ??s mixed dentition analysis in children of Moradabad district, UP, India. University Journal of Dental Sciences. vol 3(1):40-44.
34. Akash Bhatnagar, M. K. Jindal, (2017) Excision of Capillary Hemangioma by Diode Laser. ECronicon Dental Science. vol 13 (1), 07-12.
35. Akash Bhatnagar, M. K. Jindal , Saima Yunus Khan, (2017) Applicability of Moyerâ??s mixed dentition analysis. Journal of dentistry and oral disorder. vol 3(4):1069-70.
36. Sadaf Ghani, Masood Hasan Khan, M. K. Jindal, Seema Chaudhary, Naveen Manuja, (2017) Comparative Evaluation of the influence of pretreatment with CPP-ACP and Novamin on Dentinal Shear Bond Strength with Composite: An in vitro study. Annals of Dental Specialty 2017; 5(4): 140145.
37. Akash Bhatnagar,M K Jindal , Khan SY. Comparison of two different non-radiographic mixed dentition analysis. Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic 2019;19(1):e4374.DOI: