Ph.D. (Statistics)
Associate Professor
Mathematical Statistics, Statistical Inference, Order Statistics and Record Values
Lane - E, Hamza Colony, New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh - 202 002, U.P.
Dr. Haseeb obtained his Ph.D. (Statistics) degree in 2000 from Aligarh Muslim University under the supervision of Professor Abdul Hamid Khan. He is an awardee of the PG Merit scholarship and UGC Research Fellowship during his Master's and Doctoral studies respectively. Dr. Haseeb was also awarded the Gold Medal for securing the first position in the M.Sc. (Statistics) examination. His research areas are Statistical Inference, Order Statistics, and Record Values. Dr. Haseeb has published more than 75 research papers in SCI/SCOPUS/peer-reviewed journals. He also contributed to a research book entitled "New Development in Applied Statistical Research", edited by Professor M. Ahsanullah and published by NOVA publication, USA. He has supervised 6 Ph.D. , 3 M.Phil. , 01 Master Thesis, and several graduation projects. He has good experience in data analysis and has delivered several invited lectures in the workshop on data analysis using SPSS organized by the Human Resource Development Centre, AMU, Aligarh, and other Departments and organizations. He has more than 19 years of teaching and 24 years of research experience. He also taught in the Department of Mathematics, at Taibah University, Al-Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a visiting faculty.
- Key Publication
- Alsubie, A., Akhter, Z., Athar, H., Alam, M., Ahmad, A.A., Corderio, G.M. and Afify, A.Z. (2021): On the Omega distribution: some properties and estimation. Mathematics, 9(6), 656. (Online). [SCIE, Scopus, IF: 2.258, CS: 2.2].
- Athar, H., Alharbi, Y.F. and Fawzy, M.A. (2021): A study on moment of dual generalized order statistics from exponentiated generalized class of distributions. Pakistan Journal of Statistics & Operation Research, 17(3), 531 – 544. [Scopus, ESCI, IS: 1.60, CS: 1.0].
- Alharbi, Y.F., Athar, H. and Fawzy, M.A. (2021): Moment properties of generalized order statistics from exponentiated generalized class of distributions. Thailand Statistician, 19(4), 797 – 811. [Scopus, IS: 0.51]
- Fawzy, M.A., Athar, H. and Alharbi, Y.F. (2021): Inference based on Marshall-Olkin extended Rayleigh Lomax distribution. Applied Mathematics E Notes, 21, 1 – 11. [Scopus, ESCI, IS:0.48]
- Athar, H., Abdel-Aty, Y. and Ali, M.A. (2021): Characterization of generalized distribution by doubly truncated moment. STATISTICA, 81(1), 25-44. (Scopus, ESCI)
- Athar, H. and Abdel-Aty, Y. (2020): Characterization of general class of distributions by truncated moment. Thailand Statistician, 18(2), 95-107. [Scopus, IS: 0.51].
Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2016): Recurrence relations between moments of progressive type-II right censored order statistics from doubly truncated Weibull distribution. Statistical Papers, 57(2), 419-428. DOI 10.1007/s00362-015-0658-2, [SCIE, Scopus, IF: 1.433].
- Zubdah-e-Noor, Akhter, Z. and Athar, H. (2015): On characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of generalized and dual generalized order statistics. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 31(2), 159 – 170. [Scopus, IS: 1.02]
Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2015): Concomitants of Dual Generalized Order Statistics from Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern Type Bivariate Inverse Rayleigh Distribution. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability, 4(1), 1 - 13. [Scopus, IS: 1.17].
- Athar, H. and Zubdah-e-Noor (2013): Characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of function of pair of order statistics. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 8(1), 45-56. [Scopus, IS: 0.56].
- Khan, A.H., Athar, H. and Chishti, S. (2008): On characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of order statistics. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 16 (3), 331-346. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2523029)].
- Athar, H., Islam, H.M. and Khan, R.U. (2007): On characterization of distributions. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. 2(2), 179-187. [Scopus, MathSciNet MR2439953)].
- Athar, H. and Islam, H. M. (2004): Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics from a general class of distributions. Metron, LXII (3), 327-337. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2143575)].
- Athar, H., Yaqub, M. and Islam, H. M. (2003): On characterization of distributions through linear regression of record values and order statistics. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 23, 97-105. [MathSciNet (MR2095668), UGC Care List I].
- Publication (2019 - Till date)
- Alsubie, A., Akhter, Z., Athar, H., Alam, M., Ahmad, A.A., Corderio, G.M. and Afify, A.Z. (2021): On the Omega distribution: some properties and estimation. Mathematics, 9(6), 656. (Online). [SCIE, Scopus, IF: 2.258, CS: 2.2].
- Athar, H., Alharbi, Y.F. and Fawzy, M.A. (2021): A study on moment of dual generalized order statistics from exponentiated generalized class of distributions. Pakistan Journal of Statistics & Operation Research, 17(3), 531 – 544. [Scopus, ESCI, IS: 1.60, CS: 1.0].
- Athar, H., Noor Z., Zarrin, S. and Almutairi, H.N.S. (2021): Expectation properties of generalized order statistics from Poisson Lomax distribution. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 9, 735 – 747. [Scopus IS: 1.40].
- Ali, M.A., Athar, H. and M.S. Al-Bassam (2021): New generalized rank mapped transmuted exponential distribution and some properties. Thailand Statistician, 19(4), 743 – 760. [Scopus, IS: 0.51]
- Alharbi, Y.F., Athar, H. and Fawzy, M.A. (2021): Moment properties of generalized order statistics from exponentiated generalized class of distributions. Thailand Statistician, 19(4), 797 – 811. [Scopus, IS: 0.51]
- Fawzy, M.A., Athar, H. and Alharbi, Y.F. (2021): Inference based on Marshall-Olkin extended Rayleigh Lomax distribution. Applied Mathematics E Notes, 21, 1 – 11. [Scopus, ESCI, IS:0.48]
- Athar, H., Abdel-Aty, Y. and Ali, M.A. (2021): Characterization of generalized distribution by doubly truncated moment. STATISTICA, 81(1), 25-44. (Scopus, ESCI)
- Ali, M.A. and Athar, H. (2021): Generalized rank mapped transmuted distribution for generating families of continuous distributions. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 20(1), 132 – 148. [Scopus, ESCI]
- Alam, M., Khan, R.U. and Athar, H. (2021): Moment properties of lower record values from generalized inverse Weibull distribution and characterization. Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Online First. [Scopus, IS: 0.98]
- Fawzy, M.A. and Athar, H. (2020): Inferences from Ailamujia distribution based on progressive type-II censored data. Journal of Statistics Application and Probability, 9(3), 483 – 493. [Scopus, IS: 1.17].
- Athar, H. and Abdel-Aty, Y. (2020): Characterization of general class of distributions by truncated moment. Thailand Statistician, 18(2), 95-107. [Scopus, IS: 0.51].
- Publication (2015 - 2019)
- Akhter, Z., MirMostafaee, S.M.T.K. and Athar, H. (2019): On the moments of order statistics from the standard two-sided power distribution. Journal of Mathematical Modeling, 7(4), 381-398. [Scopus, IS: 0.98].
- Akhter, Z., Athar, H and Ali, M.A. (2019): Progressive type – II right censored order statistics from doubly truncated generalized exponential distribution. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 19, 718 – 730. [Scopus, ESCI, IS:0.48].
- Zarrin, S., Athar, H. and Abdel-Aty, Y. (2019): Relations for moments of generalized order statistics from Power Lomax distribution. Journal of Statistics Application and Probability Letter, 6(1), 29 - 36. [Peer Reviewed, Google Based IF: 0.139].
- Athar, H., Zarrin, S. and Noor, Z. (2019): Moment properties of generalized order statistics from Weibull-Geometric distribution. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 19, 199-209. [Scopus, ESCI, IS:0.48]
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Zarrin, S. (2019): Generalized order statistics from Marshall-Olkin extended exponential distribution. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 18(2), 129-135. [Scopus, ESCI].
- Nayabuddin, Athar, H. and Al-Helan, M. (2018): Concomitants of generalized order statistics from Bivariate Burr XII distribution. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 38, 1-18. [MathSciNet (MR 3966304), UGC Care List I).
- Nayabuddin and Athar, H.
(2017): Recurrence Relations for Single
and Product Moments of Generalized Order Statistics from Marshall-Olkin
Extended Pareto Distribution. Communications in Statistics – Theory &
Methods, 46(16), 7820 - 7826. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2014.960579.
[SCIE, Scopus, IF: 0.893]. - Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2016): Recurrence relations between moments of progressive type-II right censored order statistics from doubly truncated Weibull distribution. Statistical Papers, 57(2), 419-428. DOI 10.1007/s00362-015-0658-2, [SCIE, Scopus, IF: 1.433].
- Athar, H. and Zubdah-e-Noor (2016): On characterizing probability distributions by conditional expectation of order statistics. Mathematical Science Letter, 5(3), 323 - 338. [Peer Reviewed, EBECO, ProQuest, CrossRef].
- Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2015): Some results on relations between moments of generalized order statistics. Journal of Advance Research in Applied Mathematics, 8, 1-14. [Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Ali, M. A. (2015): Concomitants of dual generalized order statistics from Bivariate Burr II distribution. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 33(1&2), 18 – 24. [Peer Reviewed, Additional Web of Science Indexes: Zoological Record, EBSCO]
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Akhter, Z. (2015): Concomitants of dual generalized order statistics from Bivariate Burr III distribution. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 14(3), 240 – 256. [Scopus, ESCI].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2015): Concomitants of generalized order statistics from bivariate Pareto distribution. ProbStats Forum, 8, 54 – 74. [zbMATH, MathSciNet, Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2015): Some Characterization results based on conditional expectation of dual generalized order statistics. ProbStats Forum, 8, 103 – 111. [zbMATH, MathSciNet, Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2015): Expectation identities of generalized order statistics from Marshall-Olkin extended uniform distribution and its characterization. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 14(2), 184 – 191. [Scopus, ESCI].
- Zubdah-e-Noor, Akhter, Z. and Athar, H. (2015): On characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of generalized and dual generalized order statistics. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 31(2), 159 – 170. [Scopus, IS: 1.02]
- Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2015): Some characterization of continuous distributions based on order statistics. International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Statistics, 2(1), 31 – 36. [zbMATH, Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2015): Concomitants of Dual Generalized Order Statistics from Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern Type Bivariate Inverse Rayleigh Distribution. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability, 4(1), 1 - 13. [Scopus, IS: 1.17].
- Publication (2010 - 2014)
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Ali, M. A. (2014): Concomitants of dual generalized order statistics from Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern type Bivariate Gumbel Distribution. International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 14, 17 – 28. [Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2014): A note on exact moments of order statistics from exponentiated log-logistic distribution. ProbStats Forum, 7, 39-44. [zbMATH, MathSciNet (MR3281379), Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H., Akhter, Z. and Saran, J. (2014): Moments of progressive type-II right censored order statistics from Lindley distribution. Statistical Research Letter, 3(1), 1 – 6. [Indexed by Citefactor, Peer Reviewed].
- Zubdah-e-Noor, Athar, H. and Akhter, Z. (2014): Conditional expectation of generalized order statistics and characterization of probability distributions. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability Letters, 1(1), 9-18. [Peer Reviewed].
- Zubdah-e-Noor and Athar, H. (2014): Characterization of probability distributions by conditional expectation of function of record statistics. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 22(2), 275 – 279. [zbMATH, MathSciNet (MR3226150), EBSCO].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2013): Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics from Marshall-Olkin extended general class of distribution. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability, 2(2), 63 – 72. [Scopus, IS: 1.17].
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Khwaja, S.K. (2013): Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics from doubly truncated Makeham distribution and its characterization. Journal of Statistical Research, 47 (1), 63 – 71. [MathSciNet (MR3136309), Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Zubdah-e-Noor (2013): Characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of function of pair of order statistics. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 8(1), 45-56. [Scopus, IS: 0.56].
- Zuber Akhter, Athar, H. and Khwaja, S.K. (2013): On characterization of probability distributions through generalized order statistics. International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, 3(2), 111-122. [Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H., Khan, R U. and Islam, H. M (2013): Recurrence relations for the expectation of function of generalized order statistics for truncated distributions. Advances in Statistics and Optimization, 1, 63-72. [Peer Reviewed].
- Khwaja, S.K., Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2012): Lower generalized order statistics from extended type I generalized logistic distribution. Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences, 20 (1), 21 – 28. [Scopus, MathSciNet].
- Athar, H. and Nayabuddin (2012): On moment generating function of generalized order statistics from extended generalized half logistic distribution and its characterization. South Pacific Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1(1), 1-11. [Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H., Nayabuddin and Khwaja, S.K. (2012): Relations for moments of generalized order statistics from Marshall-Olkin extended Weibull distribution and its characterization. ProbStats Forum, 5(3), 127 – 132. [zbMATH, MathSciNet (MR3042172), Peer Reviewed].
- Khan, R.U., Zia, B. and Athar, H. (2012): Lower generalized order statistics of generalized inverse Weibull distribution. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 19(2). [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR3075489)].
- Athar, H., Khwaja, S.K. and Nayabuddin (2012): Expectation identities of Pareto distribution based on generalized order statistics and its characterization. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Science, 1(1), 23 – 29. [Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H., Faizan, M. and Khwaja, S.K. (2011): Moments of order statistics from extended type I generalized logistic distribution. ProbStats Forum, 4(4), 104 – 109. [zbMATH, MathSciNet (MR2892212), Peer Reviewed].
- Athar, H. and Faizan, M. (2011): Moments of lower generalized order statistics from power function distribution and its characterization. International Journal of Statistical Sciences, 11 (Special Issue), 125 – 134. [Peer Reviewed].
- Hashmi, G.S., Ahmad, S.S., Khan, S. and Athar, H. (2011): Incidence of submucous fibrosis in oral cancer patients. Biology and Medicine, 3(2) Special Volume, 207 – 214.
- Athar, H., Haque, Z. and Khan, R.U. (2010): On characterization of probability distributions through generalized order statistics. Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, 12, 102 – 113. [EBSCO, MathSciNet]
- Athar, H., Khan, R.U. and Anwar, Z. (2010): Exact moments of lower generalized order statistics from power function distribution. CSA Bulletin, 62 (245-246), 31 – 46. [MathSciNet (MR2790997), Peer Reviewed].
- Khan, R.U., Zia, B. and Athar, H. (2010): On moment generating function of generalized order statistics from Gompertz distribution and its characterization. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 9, 363-373. [Scopus, ESCI, MathSciNet (MR2809947), UGC Care List I].
- Khan, R.U., Kumar, D. and Athar, H. (2010): Moments of generalized order statistics from Erlang-truncated exponential distribution and its characterization. International Journal of Statistics and Systems, 5, 455-464. [Peer Reviewed]
- Khan, R.U. and Athar, H. (2010): Characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of record values. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 5(1), 43-51. [Scopus, IS: 0.56].
- Publication (2005 - 2009)
- Haque, Z., Athar, H. and Khan, R.U. (2009): Characterization of probability distributions through expectation of function of generalized order statistics. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 8, 416-426. [ESCI, MathSciNet (MR2681428), UGC Care List I].
- Khan, A.H., Anwar, Z. and Athar, H. (2009): Exact moments of generalized and dual generalized order statistics from a general form of distributions. Journal of Statistical Science, 1(1), 27-44. [Peer Reviewed].
- Faizan, M. and Athar, H. (2008): Moments of generalized order statistics from a general class of distributions. Journal of Statistics, 15, 36-43. [Peer Reviewed].
- Khan, A.H., Athar, H. and Chishti, S. (2008): On characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of order statistics. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 16 (3), 331-346. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2523029)].
- Khan, R.U., Anwar, Z. and Athar, H. (2008): Recurrence relations between single and product moments of dual generalized order statistics from exponentiated Weibull distribution. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 28, 37-45. [MathSciNet (MR2492089), UGC Care List I].
- Athar, H., Anwar, Z. and Khan, R.U. (2008): On recurrence relations for the expectations of function of lower generalized order statistics. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 24(2), 111-122. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2450236)].
- Anwar, Z. and Athar, H. and Khan, R.U. (2007): Expectation identities based on recurrence relations of function of generalized order statistics. Journal of Statistical Research, 41 (2), 93-102. [MathSciNet (MR2759874)].
- Athar, H., Islam, H.M. and Khan, R.U. (2007): On characterization of distributions. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. 2(2), 179-187. [Scopus, MathSciNet MR2439953)].
- Khan, R.U., Anwar, Z. and Athar, H. (2007): Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics from doubly truncated Weibull distribution. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 27, 69-79. [MathSciNet (MR2405864), UGC Care List I]
- Athar, H., Islam, H. M. and Yaqub, M. (2007): On ratio and inverse moments of generalized order statistics from Weibull distribution. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 16 (1), 37-46. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2572731)].
- Publication (2000 - 2004)
- Athar, H. and Islam, H. M. (2004): Recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics from a general class of distributions. Metron, LXII (3), 327-337. [Scopus, SCImago, MathSciNet (MR2143575)].
- Khan, A.H. and Athar, H. (2004): Characterization of distributions through order statistics. Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences, 13 (2), 147-154. [Scopus, MathSciNet (MR2116793)].
- Yaqub, M. and Athar, H. (2004): Null distribution of the simple, partial and multiple correlations. Pure and Applied Mathematika Sciences, LX (No. 1-2), 31-36. [Peer Reviewed]
- Athar, H. and Yaqub, M. (2003): A note on prediction and estimation in Weibull failure model. Assam Statistical Review, 17, 31-38. [Peer Reviewed, UGC Care List I].
- Athar, H., Yaqub, M. and Islam, H. M. (2003): On characterization of distributions through linear regression of record values and order statistics. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 23, 97-105. [MathSciNet (MR2095668), UGC Care List I].
- Khan, A.H. and Athar, H. (2002): On characterization of distributions by conditioning on a pair of order statistics. Aligarh Journal of Statistics, 22, 63-72. [MathSciNet (MR1961965), UGC Care List I].
- Athar, H. and Khan, A.H. (2002): On characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of order statistics. Journal of Statistical Research, 36 (2), 131-136. [MathSciNet (MR1966734)].
- Khan, A.H., Athar, H. and Yaqub, M. (2001): Characterization of probability distributions through conditional expectation of function of two order statistics. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 51(203-204), 259-266. [MathSciNet (MR1900667)]
- Khan, R.U. and Athar, H. (2000): Ratio and inverse moments of order statistics from doubly truncated Weibull distribution. Journal of Statistical Research, 34 (1), 33-38. [MathSciNet (MR1789965)].