सांख्यिकी एवं संक्रिया अनुसंधान का विभाग
Statistical Inference
Order Statistics
Bayesian Statistics
Design of Experiments
Reliability Analysis
Image Analysis
As per the UGC guidelines and availability of seats, each year
M.A./M.Sc. (Statistics)
For more detail,
please refer to link: https://www.amucontrollerexams.com
Academic: Teaching and /or
research positions such as Assistant Professor, Post Doctoral Fellow, Research
Assistant, Research Associate etc.
Industrial Research: Positions available in R&D units of industry and administrative set ups
Statistical Administration: Jobs available at national and international levels in the organisations such as NSSO, CSO, ISS, UNO etc.
Entrepreneur: Statistical Consultancy, Services for conducting survey, Services to analyse the available data
The educational objectives of Ph.D. Statistics are
as follows:
To inculcate the skill of reading critically, the literature of research, that can lead to analysis and clear comprehension of the kernel of the content from the literature.
To create ability to formulate a new research problem/question.
To provide the advanced knowledge of Statistics that can solve their research problems/questions
To develop the ability to present the results of the research as per the internationally recognised style of academic writing and that of oral presentation.
To be able to conduct advanced research in the subject, independently.
The program outcomes of the Ph.D. are as follows:
Have a solid foundation in Statistical Theory, Methodology, and application of the theories for analysis of simulated and real data sets.
Have a holistic understanding of data collection, management, processing, analysis and interpretation. Being proficient in the use of statistical software and writing statistical code.
Have experience in one or more application areas and work as a part of a collaborative team in analyzing real data and solving real-world problems;
Be able to conduct research either independently or collaboratively in an area of statistics;
Be able to teach statistical courses up to UG/PG level independently.
Mathematical Programming
Mathematical Programming in Sample Surveys
Mathematical Programming in Reliability
Multilevel Programming
Multiobjective Programming
Supply Chain Management
Fuzzy Optimization
As per the UGC guidelines and availability of seats, each year
M.A./M.Sc. (Operations Research)
For more
detail, please refer to link: https://www.amucontrollerexams.com
Jobs Prospects:
Academic: Teaching and /or research positions such as Assistant Professor, Post Doctoral Fellow, Research Assistant, Research Associate etc.
Industrial Research: Positions available in R&D units of industry and administrative set ups
Statistical Administration: Jobs available at national and international levels in the organisations such as NSSO, CSO, ISS, UNO etc.
Entrepreneur: Statistical Consultancy, Services for conducting survey, Services to analyse the available data
The objective of the Ph.D. (Operations Research) program is to develop the following skills among the research scholars:
Critical analysis of the issues faced by industry, and to think about the concepts and techniques needed to develop scientific solutions to the real life decision-making problems.
Effective communication of the knowledge of his/her field and can draft research articles to present that knowledge.
Application of appropriate principles and procedures to the recognition, evaluation, interpretation, and understanding of issues and problems.
Acquiring the knowledge, skills, ethics, and independence of thoughts and actions as expected from a scholar.
After successful completion of the course, scholars will be able to:
Formulate decision-making models appropriate for various engineering and management science applications in the areas such as Supply Chain Management, Reliability Optimization, Transportation Planning Decision Problems, and Sampling Optimization.
Develop computational and mathematical models for real life decision-making problems that include the use of modeling tools and computational tools, as well as analytical skills to evaluate the problem.
Derive fundamental results of mathematical or analytical nature that lead to the development of algorithms for supporting decision-making.