Associate Professor
Ordered Random Variables, Reliability theory
Department of Statistics & Operations Research
8604080860, 7417004885
Mohd Jahangir Sabbir Khan completed his Ph.D. from AMU in 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Abdul Hamid Khan. Presently, he is a senior grade Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics & O.R. of AMU, Aligarh.
In 2004, he qualified CSIR- Junior/Senior Research Fellowship (NET) and the Uttar Pradesh State Level Eligibility Test (UPSLET) in mathematical sciences, and was invited to appear in the prestigious Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship Test that invites only top 20% JRF (NET) awardees during a calendar year. Prior to joining AMU, he taught in the Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University) in Lucknow (UP) for two and half years, and for three years in the Banasthali University, Banasthali, Rajasthan, as an Assistant Professor.
- Publication
1.A.H. Khan and M.J.S. Khan (2009), “On characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of non adjacent records”, Journal of Applied Probability & Statistics, (ISSN-1930-6792), U.S.A. Vol. 4, 65-75.
2. M. Ahsanullah, M.J.S. Khan and A.H. Khan (2009), “On characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of non-adjacent generalized order statistics”, Journal of Statistical Theory & Application, (ISSN- 1538-7887), U.S.A. Vol. 8(3), 353-372.
3. A.H. Khan, M. Faizan and M.J.S. Khan (2008), “Characterization of continuous distributions by conditional variance of order statistics”. Calcutta Statistical Bulletin Association, (ISSN- 0008-0683), Vol. 60, 36-43. India.
4. A.H. Khan and M.J.S. Khan (2011), “Characterization of continuous distributions through conditional expectation of generalized order statistics-an alternative approach”. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & statistics, (ISSN- 0973-7545), Vol. 21, 52-59, India.
5.M.A. Khan, M.J.S. Khan and H.M. Islam (2010), “On strength reliability for Inverse rayleigh distributed stress”. 17-21, The Journal of Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability, in Systems Engineering, (ISSN-1931-681) U.S.A.
6.M.A. Khan, M.J.S. Khan and H.M. Islam (2010), “On strength reliability for log-normal stress using error function”. Vol. 30(3), 39-46, Journal of Safety &Reliability Society, (ISSN-0961-7353) U.K.
7.A.H. Khan and M.J.S. Khan (2012), “On ratio and inverse moment of generalized order statistics from Burr distribution”, Vol. 28(1),59-68, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, (ISSN-1012-9367) Pakistan (IF 0.252 ).
8.M.J.S. Khan, A.H. Khan and M.I. Khan (2011), “Characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of non-adjacent generalized order statistics using Meijer’s G function”. Vol. 19(2), 221-231, (ISSN-1067-5817) Journal of Applied Statistical Science.
9.S. Kumar, M.J.S. Khan and N. Kumar (2013), “On The Reliability Estimation of Burr Type XII Distribution”. Vol. 33(2), 29-40, Journal of Safety &Reliability Society, (ISSN-0961-7353) U.K.
10.M.J.S. Khan, A. Sharma, S. Kumar and M. I. Khan (2013), “Exact moment of record values from Burr distribution and its application”, Int. J. Comp. Theo. Stat., (2), 107-115, (ISSN-2384-4795).
11. M.J.S. Khan, and A. Sharma (2016), “Generalized order statistics from Chen distribution and its characterization”. J. Stat. Appl. Pro. 5, No. 1, 1-5. ISSN 2090-8423 (print). ISSN 2090-8431 (online).
12.M.J.S. Khan and M. Arshad (2016), “UMVU Estimation of Reliability Function and Stress-Strength Reliability from Proportional Reversed Hazard Family based on Lower Records. Vol. 35(2), 171-181, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences.
13 M.J.S. Khan and S. Kumar (2016), Concomitant of order statistics from weighted marshall- olkin bivariate exponential distribution. Vol. 12(6), 99-108, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). ISSN No. 2278-5728.
14. M.J.S. Khan and S. Kumar (2017), “on concomitant of order statistics arising from bivariate log-exponentiated Kumarswamy distribution”. Vol. 4(1), 1-12, International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Statistics, (ISSN-2384-4795).
15. M.J.S. Khan, M. A. R. Khan and N. Wahid (2017), “Characterization of continuous distributions through conditional expectation of generalized order statistics- Using Meijer's G Function”. Vol. 11(16), 759-771, Applied Mathematical Sciences, (ISSN 1314-7552).
16 M.J.S. Khan and Saima Iqrar (2018), “On Moments of Dual Generalized Order Statistics from Topp-Leone Distribution”. Accepted, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods.
17. M.J.S. Khan and Bushra Khatoon (2019), “Classical and Bayesian inferences of stress-strength reliability of inverted generalized exponential distribution based on records”. (XV III), 547-561. Pakistan journal of statistics and operations research.
18. M.J.S. Khan, A. Sharma and S. Iqrar (2019), “On Moments of Lindley Distribution based on Generalized Order Statistics”. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences.
19. M.J.S. Khan and Bushra Khatoon (2019), “Statistical inferences for R=P(X<Y) of exponential distribution based on generalized order statistics”. Annals of Data Science.