Prof. Mufakhkhar Ehtisham Zuberi
M.A. (Hindi), Ph. D.
4, Ashraf Apartment, Muzammil Manzil, ADM Compound Road, Aligarh.
Prof. M.E. Zuberi did his M.A.(1979) and Ph. D. (1995) from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.He was appointed as lecturer in Hindi in Women's College, A.M.U. on the 6th of August 1984. He specializes in Hindi fiction and Comparative studies. Five students have completed their Ph.D.s under his supervision and four Ph.D. researches are in progress. His articles have appeared in many journals of repute namely Talaash, Abhinav Bharati Vartamaan Sahitya etc,. Prof. Zuberi is currently the Chairman of the Department of Hindi, AMU. He has conducted on international seminar and three national seminars during his chairmanship. He is a member of the Board of studies of Hindi International University Verdha. He is also a member of the Board of studies of Jammu Kashmir University, JK. Prof. Zuberi is a member of the selection committees of various universities and Secretary of Official Language (HINDI) Implementation Committee, AMU Aligarh. He is Chief Editor of the Departmental research Journal 'Abhinav Bharati' and also Member of the Academic Council of AMU Aligarh.
He is also been incharge of various committees and worked as Incharge of Admissions in Women's College AMU for the session 2011-2012.