M.A, M.Phil , Ph.D
International relations and Politics of Indian Oceans
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Nigar Zuberi is Professor of Political Science at Women’s College, AMU,
Aligarh. She has obtained her M. Phil and PhD degrees from the Department of
Political Science, AMU, Aligarh. She worked on “A comparative study of India
and America in the politics of Indian Oceans” during her PhD and explored “US
interest in Indian Oceans” for her M Phil. Previously, she secured Gold Medal
(stood first in order of merit) for her masters in International Relations. Her
research interest revolves around Indo-US relations, Indian’s Foreign Policy,
Western Political Thought and Indian government and Politics.
Prof. Zuberi has served the university in different capacities. She held the position of Chairperson of the Department of Political Science from July 2018 to July 2021, gave her services as Court member and also served as the Provost of IG Hall for three years, deputy provost of IG Hall, deputy provost of Abdullah Hall for two times and accommodation warden of SN Hall. She also served as Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Politics, Department of Political Science, AMU, Aligarh
She has also been engaged in extracurricular activities like holding the membership of different clubs, societies and event organised by Women' college and the University She has visited more than five countries and participated in various conferences and workshops.
- Publication
1. US Interest in the Indian ocean, Indian Journal of Politics, 1984.
2. Research Monograph, Forum for strategic studies, Arms proliferation and superpower strategies in the
Indian oceans, 1987
3. Foreign policy of Japan, Indian Journal of politics 2004.
4. Impact of Brirtish Imperialism and development of social and political; thought under Raja Ram
Mohan Roy, Third Concept of International Journal, 2004.
5. Nehru as a socialist leader, Indian Journal of politics, 2006.
6. Rebuilding Iraq, Problems and prospectus, Journal of West Asian studies, 2007.
7. Economic Policy of Japan in South Asia, Third Concept of International Journal, 2008.
8. Nuclear policy of Iran, Indian Journal of Politics, 2008.