
बेग़म सुल्तान जहाँ हॉल


SOP - Entry & Exit


Standard Operating Procedure

Entry & Exit from the Hall

Maintenance of Registers at the gate

  1. Movement register - Any persons entering or exiting the hall needs to fill the column in the register-indicating name, purpose, time and date.

  2. Student register – All students entering or exiting hall for any work needs to fill the particulars mentioned in the register such as name, room number, date, time and purpose.

  3. Staff register – All employees of the hall need to fill the register while entering and exiting the hall in proper columns of name, date, time and signature.

  4. Student vacating register – Any student vacating the hall needs to fill in the particulars in the register.

Timing details for staff and students

Students: Normal timing: 6:00 AM to 6:30 PM

                  Winter timing: 6: 00 AM to 5:30 PM

Hostel Staff: Morning: 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Proctorial Staff: Morning: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

            Afternoon: 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM

            Late night: 12:00 PM to 8:00 AM

SOP - Office


Standard Operating Procedure


Assistant Admin

  1. Maintenance of Provost office and Hall registers.

  2. Maintenance and account keeping of ‘Category C’ of all Heads.

  3. Keeping track of all expenditure done.

  4. Maintenance of Budgetary Heads.

  5. Keeping record of contingency, stationary and other purchases of the hall.

  6. Managing expenditure for all Hall functions.

  7. Looking after repair work in the hall.

  8. Performing all typing work.

  9. Managing Lawn and garden of the hall.

  10. Receiving and encashing of all the cheques issued to the hall.

LDC Admin

  1. Drafting and communicating all Routing Letters.

  2. Handling and managing all official work of the hall employees.

  3. Maintenance of personal files of resident and non-resident students of the hall.

  4. Updating records/information/data (soft and hard copy) of resident and non-resident students of the hall.

  5. Providing accommodation to the resident students of the hall (as per Central Allotments Committee Rules).

  6. Reporting and recording all the activities conducted in the hall.

  7. Maintaining and updating the official website of the hall.

  8. Furnishing RTI replies.

  9. Performing all typing work.

  10. Maintaining and checking the attendance register of all employees of the hall daily.

  11. Maintaining the leave registers of all employees of the hall.

  12. Issuing of guest slips to the resident students of the hall.

  13. Looking after purchase and issuing of all housekeeping items.

MTC (other services)

  1. Collecting mess fees, washing items fees and all other internal heads’ fees of the hall.

  2. Regularly depositing income generated in the hall in the bank.

  3. Maintenance of all internal head’s income of the hall.

  4. Maintenance of all internal head’s expenditure of the hall.

  5. Maintenance of register of Resident students and ledger of internal heads’ of the hall.

  6. Preparing cheque for the expenses conducted by the hall.

  7. Managing the waste food material and empty items of the kitchen and dining of the hall.

SOP - Common room


Standard Operating Procedure


  1. The residents are allowed to utilize the common room between 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

  2. The residents are not allowed to bring any eatables in the common room.

  3. The residents are responsible for maintaining the decorum in the common room.

  4. The residents will be reprimanded for any damage of property in the common room.

  5. The residents are not allowed to use the common room for any celebrations or sleepovers.

SOP - Reading room


Standard Operating Procedure


  1. The timings for reading room is 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

  2. Strictly follow the reading room timings.

  3. Maintain silence in the reading room.

  4. It is mandatory to make entries on entering and leaving the reading room.

  5. Do not bring eatables in the reading room.

  6. Journals and newsletters should be returned to their respective places after reading.

  7. Do not take books or newsletters to your rooms.

  8. Do not bring valuables in the room.

  9. Carry your laptops and phones with you while leaving the reading room.

  10. Maintain cleanliness in the reading room.

  11. Only the resident and non-resident students of the hall are allowed to avail the reading room facilities.

  12. Visitors, relatives or guests are strictly not allowed in the reading room.

  13. Ensure that lights, fans and air conditioned are off when not in use.



Standard Operating Procedure

     ICT Hub

  1. Maintain silence in the room.

  2. Maintain cleanliness in the room.

  3. Do not bring eatables in the room.

  4. Make entries in the log book for using the systems.

  5. Handle the systems carefully.

  6. Do not plug your external drives without prior permission.

  7. Report immediately in case of any technical problem.

  8. Do not connect your mobile phones with the systems.

  9. Do not remove the LAN cables for connecting in your personal computers.

  10. The respective user will be held responsible for any damage or malfunction of the computer.

  11. All the systems have antivirus protection.

  12. Transfer anything saved on the system to your personal pendrives.

  13. There will be no claim for loss of data saved on desktop.

  14. Do not delete/uninstall any data or software.

  15. Do not open any social sites, e.g., Facebook or Instagram, etc. on the systems.

  16. Systems will be available on first come first serve basis.

SOP - Cleanliness & Hygiene


Standard Operating Procedure

     Cleanliness and Hygiene in the hall

  1. Cleaning, Dusting and Mopping of following areas on regular basis:

  2. Reading room

  3. Common room

  4. ICT Hub

  5. Prayer room

  6. Gymnasium

  7. Kitchen/Dining Hall

  8. Corridors of the hall

  9. Students are themselves responsible for cleaning and maintaining their own rooms.

  10. Regularly spray fogging and disinfecting the hall premises.

  11. Maintenance of all air conditioners and desert coolers.

  12. Regular cleaning of all portable desert coolers of the hall.

  13. Regular cleaning of water tanks of the hall.

  14. Maintenance of lawn and garden area of the hall.

  15. Food or any eatables are not allowed in common room, reading room and ICT hub.

  16. Strict vigilance in following hostel timing and standard rules of the hall.

SOP - Fire Extinguisher


Standard Operating Procedure


  1. Grab the ring and pull the pin out from the side of the handle.

  2. Now that the extinguisher is ready to discharge, hold the device so the nozzle is pointed away from you.

  3. Hold the lower handle lever (the carrying handle) with one hand and grab the hose or nozzle with the other hand. Point the hose directly at the base of the fire.

  4. Do not aim the hose at the flames. This isn't the fuel source, and you won't get much progress.

  5. With carbon dioxide extinguishers, keep your hands away from the plastic discharge horn, which gets extremely cold.

  6. To release the extinguishing agent, squeeze the two levers together with one hand while you aim the hose at the base of the fire with the other. Apply slow and even pressure when you squeeze the levers.

  7. To stop discharging the extinguisher, release the levers.

  8. To extinguish all the fuel, slowly sweep the hose back and forth over the base of the fire as you discharge the extinguisher. Move closer to the fire as the flames die down.

  9. Continue discharging until the fire goes out.

  10. Back away and repeat if the flames flare up.

  11. Leave immediately if you're unable to extinguish the fire.

  12. Call the fire department or emergency services if they haven't already been called

  13. Replace or recharge your fire extinguisher as soon as possible.

Fire extinguishers should be placed not more than 75 feet from a potential fire hazard.


SOP - Dining Area


Standard Operating Procedure



  1. The dining hall is open only during specific timings. The residents are advised to strictly adhere to it.

  2. Residents should make entries in the log register before every meal.

  3. Places have been designated for used and unused utensils. Residents are strictly advised to keep the unused utensils in their designated spots after eating.

  4. Residents are not allowed to take food or hall utensils to their rooms.

  5. Residents are strictly advised to maintain cleanliness in the dining area.

  6. Microwaves and toasters are to be used cautiously.

  7. Food complaints must be reported to the food committee members or wardens.

  8. Complaints may also be recorded in the complaint register kept in the dining.

  9. Residents are not allowed in the kitchen area.

  10. In case of emergencies, kindly contact the kitchen staff or the food committee members.

  11. The back door of the kitchen is off limits for the residents and only meant for the kitchen employees.

SOP - Roti Making Machine


Standard Operating Procedure

     CHAPATI Making Machine

Chapati making machine is a semi-automatic machine with a capacity of making 15 to 16 chapatis per minute, which turns out to be approximately 900 chapatis per hour. The machine is used twice a day that is during day and night. Every three months the machine undergoes a cleaning and maintenance process done by a specialist (greasing, oiling, checking any default).

  1. Before starting to make the roti the machine is thoroughly cleaned.

  2. The cook kneads wheat dough manually.

  3. Switch on the mains to operate the machine.

  4. The machine has five valves- one main black valve and three red and another one black valves used to keep the flame low or high.

  5. A cylinder is attached to the machine for the burners in the machine.

  6. When the main switch is put on, a green button is pushed to maintain the temperature of the punch heater that is 2700  and tawa 2100 (indicated on the display board).

  7. For any emergency ‘stop’, the red button is pushed to immediately stop the functioning of the machine.

  8. Small balls are made from wheat dough and are kept manually one by one under the punch heater, it will complete a round and will then move on to the tawa part to finally make the roti ready for serving.

  9. After making the rotis the machine is switched off properly and then again cleaned for the next preparation.