
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Library



       Facilities play an important role at any place. It plays pivotal role to achieve objectives of the academic institution including library and information centre. Facilities are various types.

A-Physical Facilities

       The concept of physical facilities related to building, furniture, equipment, air, light, space, environment etc. The AKTC Library is providing following physical facilities:-

  • Classical, spacious, double storey library building.
  • One Reading Halls with capacity of (60 Reading Seats)
  • Separate Section for Boys and Girls.
  • Adequate Space for stack area, adequate number of Almirahs
  • Adequate Natural light, air and   congenial environment.
  • Adequate Space for Library staff and separate room for Librarian
  • Facility of Light, fans, desert coolers, water cooler, R.O. Generator etc.

B-Academic Facilities

       The Academic facilities related to education. The AKTC Library is providing following facilities to the users and Library staff.

  1. For Library Users
  • Wi-Fi Connection in the library
  • Computer Lab Facility
  • Internet search facility 
  • Online Public Access Catalogue
  • Reading Room Facility Students
  • Issue of books for home study
  • News Paper Reading Facility
  • Book Bank Facility for BUMS students
  1. For Library Staff

       The Library also provides several facilities (i.e. computer, printer, photocopier, stationary, Wi-Fi, Internet search etc.).

  1. Opening Timing and Hours of the Library:

The Library opens throughout the year except in Sundays & Holidays (National/Religious festivals) for 08 hours from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on all working days except Friday. On Friday, it opens from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm.In the month of Ramdhan, the timings are 8.00 am to 2.30 pm on all working days except Friday and on Friday, it opens from 8.00 am to 12.00 Noon.