Maulana Azad Library
पुस्तकालय की सेवाएँ और सुविधाएं
Circulation Services
M.A. Library provides the facility of Issue, Return of Text-books and General books through the latest barcode technology to all the library members. The following classes or persons are eligible for membership of the library:-
- Members of the University Court, the Executive Council, the Finance Committee etc. not otherwise eligible for membership under any other category.
- University teaching and academic staff.
- Regular Faculty Members.
- Temporary/ Guest Faculty.
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF).
- Members of the Administrative staff and the teachers of the AMU Schools.
- Members of the University ministerial staff.
- Students on the rolls of the University except for Schools.
- Visitors/ Scholars from other Universities.
- Members retired from the University Services.
- Special Membership.
Research Support Services
Plagiarism Checking
To detect plagiarism in Research Papers/Articles/Reviews/Dissertations/Chapters/Project Reports etc., Maulana Azad Library provides service for plagiarism checking through Turnitin and in theses through DrillBit (access provided by INFLIBNET) plagiarism detection Software.
Faculty members may check the plagiarism in their documents at their own using Turnitin only. To avail this facility, they need to submit the following online forms. (Note:- To check the plagiarism in Thesis, you need to send the document to
For faculty members CLICK HERE.
Grammar Checking
M.A. Library subscribes Grammarly writing assistance software (Premium version) in order to provide online grammar and spell checking facility to its fraternity. It automatically detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in writing.
Remote Login to E-Resources & Single Window Search
M.A. Library provides remote login as well as single window search facility through
to faculty members and students of the university to access the e-resources from outside the campus IP network.
M.A. Library is also maintaining its own Institutional Repository with the main aim to provide global access to publications produced at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh available mainly in the form of theses and dissertations.
Library provides the facility of citations & h-index to faculties, department of studies, colleges and individuals on request using SCOPUS and Web of Science citations databases.
Voice and Document AI Translation tool consisting of multitude of features and functionalities desires to close this gap arising due to language barriers. The tool has support of 22 regional Indian & foreign languages which help in breaking language barriers and unifying India and the world under the principle of 'Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat no One Earth, One Family, One Future. The website may be visited at
100 computers of latest configuration are installed in Digital Resources Centre to provide access to the resources subscribed by the university as well as available in the public domain.
Library 2.0
M.A. Library provides the following services to its users for instant and easy communication of information.
1. Library Facebook Page:
2. Library Twitter Page:
3. Library Youtube Page:
Reader Services
Readers Services Division consists of the following Reading Halls. The seating capacity along with their entitlement of specific type of users is given in the following table:
Current Awareness Service
Almost all current newspapers and magazines in English, Urdu and Hindi languages are available in the Library. Back files of some reputed newspapers are also being preserved and maintained.
Reference Service
- Ready reference service on requested query: on the spot, through email and telephone
- Information on Research Related Queries like plagiarism check
- Information about library services
- Information about library resources
- Information about Infrastructure development
- Information about new initiatives being taken by the Central Library
Newspapers Clipping Service
News related with the university published in various newspapers is compiled and sent to university authorities daily by email.
Digital copies of a part of the required manuscript(s) is provided to users on proper requisition and on payment basis.
Inter Library Loan Service
Maulana Azad Library uses Inter-Library Loan service for sharing the documents available within the library and other networked libraries through DELNET Inter-Library Loan (ILL) and J-Gate Plus facility.
User Awareness Service
M.A. Library being the service provider, arranges the user orientation/education programme for the Students and Faculty of the Aligarh Muslim University from time to time. In this programme, library provide the information regarding available resources and services.
Braille Section
One of the special features of Maulana Azad Library is its service to the visually impaired students through Braille Section. Apart from the books in Braille script, a large number of documents in electronic format and devices are also available in this section for the students. Angel Pro, a mobile like apparatus for recording the classroom lectures and listening to the already recorded books are issued to all the students for the entire duration of the course. It is a unique computer reading facility for visually impaired with a congenial classroom environment. The section is aimed to provide barrier free access and independent reading of library materials to the visually challenged users. The section believes that with proper training and opportunity, visually challenged people can compete on terms of equality with their sighted peers. The section has acquired latest assisting technologies to help visually impaired readers.
Cultural Hall
An auditorium for hosting events such as conferences, seminar and meetings is also available with a seating capacity of 200.
Visitor's Property Counter
A property counter with 550 boxes is maintained before the entry gate. The two staff members monitoring the counter, hands over tokens to the users who keep their belongings at the property counter.
Security & Safety Measures
Since library possesses precious and invaluable assets, CCTV, 3M security system for books and fire fighting system have been installed in the library.
updated on 05.10.2024