Women's College Library
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
(Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs))
- Deposit bags at the property counter and enter information like name, class/designation, hall/section, arrival time in the visitor’s register and take your bags before leaving the library.
Procedure for Library
Students: The Student's membership form for Women's College Library may be collected from library for renewal and fresh membership. The properly filled form has to be submitted along with 4 passport size latest colored photograph after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls during working hours.
Faculty Member (Permanent): All the permanent Teaching employees of the College can get the membership of the library after filling up a membership form duly, attested by the Principal.
Faculty Member (Contractual/Guest Teacher): The temporary faculty members can get the membership of the library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the Principal along with a surety bound from the Incharge of their respective Section
General Procedure for Issue of Book(s)
Book(s) will be issued from Text Book Section (TBS) during working hours. The borrower will select a book of his/her choice from the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) or manually from the Catalogue of the Library and note down the Call no of the book on a slip.
Open OPAC website of Maulana Azad Library: (https://webopac.amu.ac.in/opac/ or
and Select browse option.after selecting browse option, search through author, title, classified etc.
abbreviation WOC is used for Women’s College books.
Procedure for searching Catalogue of Library (Manually):
Users can search through author, title in alphabetical order manually from the catalogue of the library.
The borrower first deposit their requisition slips at issuing counter, if the book is available then borrower has to give their borrower’s card at the issue counter.
The Library staff will issue the book with due date written on it.
The borrower can return the book on or before due date. The late returning fee of Re. 1/- per day will be charged after due date.
Procedure for Issue of
Books from Book Bank:
The Book Bank Membership card is available at the Book Bank Counter.
After filling, the card has to be submitted along with a passport size latest colored photograph after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls.
Choose books from the list displayed at notice board, List them and attached with the Book Bank membership card.
Book bank will provide the amount detail which is to be deposited (20% of total cost of the book plus Rs. 25/- membership charges).
After depositing the amount, receipt slip will be given to borrower and books will be issued for full academic session.
For reading textbook, general & reference book(s) and previous years question paper:
Access Reading Room-1 (Ground Floor)
Students can access it by producing reading room library card.
Open access for students to search textbook, general & reference book(s)
Books are issued only for reading, not to be taken outside.
Last three years question paper.
For reading Journal/ Magazines/ Newspaper/Encyclopedia:
Access Reading Room-2 (First Floor)
Six newspapers are available in three languages (i.e. English, Hindi & Urdu).
Twenty one (21) Journals/ Magazines are at display where users can choose as per their interest.
Users can access newspaper, journal/ magazine by producing reading room library card.
For Self-Study/Gift Collection:
Access Reading Room-3 (Second Floor)
Students can study with their own study materials or read books from gift collection.
For consulting Achieves, dictionaries, yearbooks ete:
Access Library Incharge Room
User can access rare dictionaries, yearbooks, manuscript by founder, historical material on history of Aligarh Muslim University and Women’s College.
Selection of Books/ Magazines/ Journals:
The selection of books is based on the list of books received from Incharges of respective Section.
Students demand register where students can give name of books which are not available in the library or less in numbers.
The Magazines/ Journals are selected by the Library committee.
Procedure for differently abled students to access library (Disability Unit):
Wheelchair is available at entrance gate with ramp.
Helpdesk at disability unit.
Procedure for using SARA, internet access and get talking book(s) for visually Impaired Students:
For Talking books:
Visually impaired students ask for the talking book to
the concerned staff.If book is available at Women's College Library, the staff copy & paste the soft copy of the book on pendrive, Angel player or mobile through the phone.
If book is not available at Women's College Library, then staff will take assistance from the Braille Section, Maulana Azad Library for that book.
If book is available at the Braille Section, M. A. Library, staff will provide the talking book to the student.
For Using SARA (Scan and Read Appliances)
Students have to carry their own earphone.
Visually impaired students can use SARA (Scan and Read Appliances) with the help of concern staff.
For access internet through JAWS Software:
Students have to carry their own earphone.
Visually impaired students can turn on computer and JAWS software or take help from staff.
After turn-on JAWS software, computer will read the screen and all other activities that help students to access internet easily.