Games Committee
Powers and Duties
The Secretary of the University Games Committee shall be appointed from, amongst the Presidents of the University Games Clubs by the Vice-Chancellor. The Secretary shall be Executive Officer of the University Games Committee.
The Secretary shall: -
Control the office and servants of the University Games Committee
Conduct correspondence on behalf of the University Games Committee
Issue notices of meeting
Keep minutes of the proceedings of meetings
Maintain accounts
Prepare the annual balances sheet and present it to the University Games Committee at its budget meeting
Perform such other duties as the University Games Committee or its Chairman may assign.
The President
The administration of each University Games Committee shall be vested in its President, who will be appointed from amongst the members of the university teaching staff by the Vice-Chancellor.
In the temporary absence of the President of a club the President shall arrange with the President of another club to look after his work.
The President of each club shall maintain a register of color holder and members of the team (In the case of tennis, names of 3 pairs and 2 singles players, and the names of the members of the Riding Squad of the Riding Club)
The President of every University club shall frame a budget for the session by 15th August to be placed before the budget meeting of the University Games Committee for its sanction.
The President of a club shall be allowed imprest money up to * Rs: 50 for petty expenses.
Material required for a club shall be purchased by the President of the club concerned.
Note: * Revised from time to time as per financial rules of the university.