Heritage Cell

'Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? And it is Allah that decreases and increases (your provisions), and unto Him you shall return'. [Quran 2:245]
'Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise'.
[Sahih al- Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
Alhamdulillah, the conservation work at Jama Masjid,
A rough estimate of about Rs. 1 Crore is required for the proper conservation and restoration of the main mosque and adjoining area which is part of its premises (kindly see the detailed report at https://api.amu.ac.in/storage/file/pdf/masjid/report.pdf).
The Vice-Chancellor has constituted a 'Working Committee' comprising of some of the functionaries of the university to execute the work (https://api.amu.ac.in/storage/file/pdf/masjid/work_committee.pdf). Besides, an 'AMU Jama Masjid Conservation Committee' has been formed which works in coordination with the existing Working Committee of the University
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah has already appealed to AMU fraternity to come forward and make donations for restoration of the Jama Masjid (https://api.amu.ac.in/storage/file/pdf/vc29122014.pdf). I as Convener Heritage Cell & member of the Jama Masjid Conservation Committee shall be coordinating with alumni & donors.
Hope with the help and support of alumni and well-wishers, we shall be able to bring back the intrinsic value of our Jama Masjid, the Central Mosque of the campus.
'Nothing is more disgraceful for any nation than to throw into the oblivion its historical heritage and the work of its ancestors'. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Bank Details for Fund Transfer within
(i) Account Name : AMU Jama Masjid Conservation Committee
(ii) Account No. : 5247101002800
(iii) Bank Name : Canara Bank, AMU Administrative Blocks
(iv) IFSC Code : CNRB0005247
(v) MICR Code : 202015013
Bank Details for Fund Transfer from Foreign (NRIs):
(i) Account Name : AMU Alumni Fund
(ii) Account No. : 0364101056837
(iii) Bank Name : Canara Bank, AMU Branch,
(iv) Branch Code : 5247
(v) IFSC Code : CNRB0005247
(vi) Swift Code : CNRBINBBAOB
Bank Details, in case the Donor is foreign citizen/foreign institutions, the donation can be received only in ICICI Bank at
(i) Account Name : Finance Officer, AMU,
(ii) Account No. : 032701000350
(iii) Beneficiary Bank Name : ICICI Bank Ltd.
(iv) Branch Address :
(v) Swift Code : ICICINBBCTS
Kindly furnish the following details while transferring money:
(i) Name of Donor.
(ii) Purpose of donation.
Note: Kindly intimate your bank transfer details to OSD-Jama Masjid Project through email:ahmad_kalimuddin@yahoo.co.in. You will be promptly acknowledged.