Intellectual Property Cell
The Aligarh Muslim University occupies a unique position amongst universities and institutions of higher learning in the country. It was established by AMU Act 1920 and evolved out of the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College (MAO College) was set up in 1877 by the great visionary and social reformer, Sir Syed Ahmad khan. In spite of the establishment of a number of universities and institutions of higher learning all over the country, this university has been maintaining its national and international character as an institution of excellence. AMU has a glorious tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in the fields of Science and Technology, Engineering, Basic Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Performing Arts, and Sports. AMU has dedicated itself to providing the technical manpower, technical know-how, technologies, technical consultancies, advisory consultancies, and Intellectual Property Rights by its qualified, experienced, and dedicated faculty, technical personnel, administrative staff as well as students with a mission of remaining as one of the leading centers of teaching, research, and excellence through total commitment in every endeavor. AMU has been ranked by renowned national and international ranking agencies.
There is a dire need to stimulate researchers to think beyond publications and think about the applications of their research in larger societal interest. IP protection and licensing is the key to the successful application of research in larger societal interest. Inherent in these responsibilities is the need to encourage the production of creative and scholarly works for the development of new and useful materials, products, devices, processes, and other types of intellectual property, some of which with potential commercial value.
The Intellectual Property Cell has been established to technically and financially assist the researchers of the Aligarh Muslim University to obtain IPRs for their inventions. Also, the IP cell promotes awareness of the intellectual property among the researchers of the university by organizing workshops, seminars, and training programs. Keeping in mind the intellectual strength of the university, growing awareness about the innovative research of commercial value, and the need for the protection of intellectual property, an IP Policy document has been formulated to provide guidance to the researchers of the university, comprising academic and non-academic staff, students, research scholars, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scientists and outside agencies involved in the collaborative work.