Internal Complaints Committee
SOP Internal Complaints Committee, AMU, Aligarh
A complaint received in ICC is processed if it is a matter of sexual harassment of women at work place and comes under the preview of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
The members of the Internal Complaints Committee are the members of the Enquiry Committee and the whole process of enquiry is to be completed within the stipulated time of 90 days.
After the complaint is received it is mandatory to take action within 7 days of receipt of the complaint.
The Complainant is requested by the Enquiry Committee to appear before the Committee in a given date to present her case.
A letter is sent to the respondent with the remark to provide the clarification within 10 days of the receipt of the intimation sent by the Enquiry Committee.
After receipt of the response of the Respondent in ICC, the Respondent is requested by the Enquiry Committee to appear before the Committee in a given date to defend his case.
If the Enquiry Committee is of the opinion that the matter is sensitive then immediate interim relief under Chapter V, Clause 12 (1) (a) of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is provided to the Complainant.
The interim relief to the Complainant is also given in the shape of leave/ transfer of the Complainant to any other department for the time being until the case is resolved.
The Enquiry Committee also request the Complainant through a letter to provide the list of names of witness/es, documents if any, to the Enquiry Committee within 3 days time.
The concerned department is also requested to provide CCTV Camera footage of the incident if any through the Proctor AMU to the Enquiry Committee of ICC.
The Enquiry Committee also request the Respondent through a letter to provide the list of names of witness/es, documents if any, to the Enquiry Committee within 3 days time.
The witness/es are requested by the Enquiry Committee to appear before the Committee in a given date to present the case.
The Enquiry Committee after hearing the witness/es again request the Complainant as well as the respondent to appear before the Committee in different dates for further clarification in the case.
After going through all the documents and witness the Enquiry Committee submits the report and recommends the same to the higher institutional authority.
The Complainant as well as the Respondent is also intimated through a letter regarding the submission of report to the higher institutional authority.
All the files and reports are kept confidential in the office of the Internal Complaints Committee and the keys of almirah are in custody of the Presiding Officer, ICC. After the closure of the case the original file is confidentially submitted to the Hon. Vice Chancellor, AMU, Aligarh and a copy of the same is kept confidential in the ICC for office record.
SOP of the Office of the ICC, AMU, Aligarh
1. The concerned person designated, open the Office room and switch on the internet router enabling internet connectivity for the Office.
2. All the papers/notices/circulars are received in the office of the Office. Details of paper are entered in the receipt register.
3. Papers are shown to the Presiding Officer for her comment.
4. Presiding Officer returns the paper with her comment and if needed mark the paper to the relevant person related to the work.
5. The paper is then placed in the respective file (Office file/ Personal file/ Circular file/ NAAC/ IQAC/ File for Minutes of Meeting etc).
6. Copies of the papers are then circulated/put on the Notice Board or given to concerned Teaching and Non-Teaching staff marked by the Presiding Officer.
7. The details of all papers which are to be despatched from the office are first entered in the despatch register and are send to the respective offices (Dean’s Offices/ Principal’s Offices/ Departments/ Provost Office various section of Registrar office etc.)
8. The office maintains all the concerned complaints and administrative records.
SOP Activities of the ICC
■ A workshop was organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Law on 13.03.2014 on ‘Sexual Harassment-Socio-Legal and Religious Perspective’.
■ On 24th January 2015 National Girl Child Day was celebrated.
■ On 5th February 2015, AMU Students’ Union collaborated with the CASHFGS and organized a session on gender sensitization at the Cultural Hall, Maulana Azad Library in which participants were made aware of how approach the CASHFGS for Complaints.
■ Copies of handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013, distributed to all offices of AMU for general awareness & sensitization against sexual harassment in 2016
■ A separate e-mail ID was created for ICC ( in 2017
boards about the location of the Office were put up on the main road.
■ ICC was enlisted in the mailing list of AMU.
■ Distribution of handbills to students especially, new admissions Session 2017-18.
■ Issued Handouts and Helping Number in public interest for display on the Notice Boards in different Faculties/ Departments/ Offices/ Centres of AMU.
■ The ICC a massive campaign in collaboration with AMU Drama Club to spread sensitization through Nukkad Natak (The Street Play) in two phase.
■ Pledge on the occasion of International Women’s Day.
■ Distributed/ Display to Offices/ Halls/ Centres/ Schools/Collleges leaflet (4pages) to awareness create and sensitization on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace. Open Mic Poetry session on the theme of Gender Discrimination and Harassment at Workplace.
■ Information Banner on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013] for display at 32 places in AMU 2018.
■ Information on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013 iron Boards installed at important location in AMU in 2019.
■ For print & upload of the handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013, all offices of AMU in 2019.
■ Self-Defense Programme for students & employees JNMCH in 2019.
■ A hard copy of handbook on Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace [Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013, circulated to all offices of AMU for general awareness & sensitization against sexual harassment in 2020.