Medical Attendance Scheme
Medical Attendance Scheme
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Issuance of MAS Health Booklet
• Once the employment letter is issued by AMU, the beneficiary comes to the MAS Health Book counter and registers him/herself after showing proof of employment at the counter.
• After the registration is done, a booklet is issued in the name of beneficiary.
• A unique MAS No. is allotted to the beneficiary for all future references.
• Details are entered in register and a pdf copy is saved in computer before handing over the book to the beneficiary.
for Consultation and Dispense of Medicines in Medical Attendance Scheme.
• Registered MAS beneficiaries will report to the registration counter of MAS with valid MAS booklet.
• Beneficiary will consult the medical officer MAS for their ailment.
• Beneficiaries coming after consultation at J.N. Medical College, S. Z. Dental College, A.K. Tibbiya college are required to get their prescription verified by the medical officer at MAS.
• Beneficiaries taking medication for chronic treatment are required to have a chronic treatment proforma (valid for 6 months), signed by Consultant incharge and Director MAS.
One copy of the proforma is submitted in MAS for record and the other copy is given to the patient which he/she is supposed to bring to MAS at every visit.
Any change in the line of treatment needs to be recorded on the chronic proforma duly signed by the Consultant and Director MAS.
• The beneficiary will report at the dispensary counter to collect the prescribed medicines.
Pharmacy Store
• Those medicines which are not available in the pharmacy will be verified by the physician.
• The beneficiary may purchase those medicines from chemist shop and claim for the reimbursement.
Claim Management
• Pharmacist will scrutinizes the bill and forward it to bill section for payment.
for MAS beneficiaries referred to higher centres.
• Patients referred to the Higher Centre for treatment after due approval of the referral committee of MAS (Consultant, Chairperson & Director, MAS).
• Patients referred under cashless treatment, issue a letter by the office of the Director, MAS against the referral letter.
• Those patients who are referred under non-cashless treatment can avail treatment in MAS approved hospitals and submit their bills in MAS for reimbursement as per CGHS rates.