Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery
There are three gallery spaces available which can be hired for shows, fully or section-wise. The Central Hall (G1) has about 2,700 square feet of floor area and hanging wall space of approximately 180 running feet. The (G2) has a floor area of about 3,700 square feet and hanging wall space of about 370 running feet. The (G3) Upstairs area has a floor area of about 3,700 square feet and hanging wall space of about 370 running feet. All these areas are equipped with modern hanging and light system.
The gallery is available for booking minimum for three days and maximum for seven days. Booking of the gallery is offered not less than one month prior the show which is subject to availability. Exhibitors may apply for the booking of the gallery with application form I. The allotment of the date would be confirmed with form II within stipulated time mentioned on form I. Send the application addressed to:
Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002
Or email at -
Application Form –I
To be filled in by the Exhibitor
Desired Dates for show: (mention at least three desired dates) .….……………
No. of Days:(Three days/Seven Days) ……………………...………………………
Desired Gallery:(GI/GII/GIII)………………………………………………………
Exhibition/ Show Title:……….......…………………….…………..................……..
Name of Exhibitor:………….…………….…………………………. …..……….…
Address for correspondence:……………………...…………………………………
Phone No.………………….………………………………………………………….
Total No. of Work:……………….……………………………………………………
Submissions with the form I:
(CD with high resolution images and detail.)
Passport size Photograph, Bio-data of the artist, 6 photographs of the art work (solo Show)
Passport size Photographs, Brief profile of Artists, 4 Photographs of art works of each artist, Concept,
list of Artists, (Group exhibition)
Brief profile of Institution, Concept, 15-20 art work Images (Institutional Programs and Exhibition)
Booking Amount:Independent Solo Show-2000/- per day (booking minimum for three days)
Independent Solo Show-10,000/- (booking for seven days)
Independent Group Shows-2500/-per day (booking minimum for three days)
Independent Group Shows-12,000/-(booking for seven days)
No booking amount will be charged from Faculty/Students from Dept. of Fine Art, AMU Aligarh.
Mode of payment:Make cheque/ Demand Draft payable to ‘Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh’ and submit along with the Form II.
Please note:Moinuddin Ahmad Arts Gallery reserves the right to accept or reject the application. By submitting an application, exhibitors/ artists cannot lay claim to the desired dates at the gallery, even though the dates might be available.
I………………….. Followed all the instruction and submitting all the required information with this form.
(Signature of the exhibitor)
For Office Use:
Offered Date: ……………………………Gallery………………………………
Amount to be paid with form II: …………..……………………………..……
Please confirm your booking by submitting the Form - II till:…………….(in case of no response till the mentioned date the application will be treated rejected)
Coordinator, MAAG, AMU.
For further details, contact us on 05712700920-3426, 9897080526 or write in to us at,
Form –II
(To be filled in by the Exhibitor after the allotment of the date.)Exhibition/ Show Title:…………..........................................…………………
Name of Exhibitor:…………………………….………………………………..
Address for correspondence:……………………...……………………………
Phone No.………..………………………………………………………………..
Email ID :………………………..……………………………………………….
Total No. of Work exhibited:…...………………..……………………………..…
Artist/s :….….……...…………………………………...………………………....
Submissions with the form II:
CD of all the Images/Art pieces with Title, Write-up/ Artist Profile.
Exhibition Catalogue design to be approved by the management of the MAAG.
Invitation, Banner, Poster design to be approved by the management of the MAAG.
Cheque/Draft of booking amount payable to the Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh.
Cash deposit of Rs.3000/- refundable after the show (applicable to all exhibitors).
Terms & Conditions:
The exhibitor will take complete responsibility for the content of all the artwork exhibited in the show.
The Gallery is not responsible in any way for the damage to the art works exhibited at the gallery.
If there is any damage on the walls, fittings or belongings of the gallery, the gallery is entitled to deduct the cost of damages from the cash deposit of Rs.3000/-.
Gallery will charge 25% commission of the art work sold during the show and the amount will be payable to the Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh.
Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery takes the responsibility of News and Media Coverage to be corresponded through the PRO Office of AMU and no independent invitations to media by the exhibitors will be allowed.
We will provide one table and six chairs during the show. Cold RO water is available.
Standees, Banner Stretchers, Inaugural arrangements and refreshment, Plants, assistance in hanging and arranging art works is the responsibility of the exhibitors. However these facilities may be arranged by the office of the gallery on request.
Exhibitor will strictly follow the gallery timing and vacate the gallery on the last day of the show by 5.00 pm.
Any changes regarding dates, address or participating artists should be intimated 15 days prior to the show. Any cancellation prior the show (8days or less) will be charged for Rs.2000/-as fine.
Submission of the clearance slip is required after the show.
I………………….. have read the above Terms & Conditions and shall abide by them.
(Signature of the exhibitor)
For office use only:
Allotted Date of the Show………………Gallery (G1/GII/GIII)……..………(Coordinator, MAAG, AMU)
Clearance Slip
Date of the Show……………….…..……Gallery (G1/GII/GIII)…………..…..……………
Exhibition/ Show Title: ………….…………………....…………………...………..………..
Total No. of Works: ………….…………………..……………………………………………
Name of Exhibitor: ……………………………….…..…………………….…………………
Address for correspondence: …………………….…………………………...……...............
- I have submitted the photo copy of the Visitor’s Book.
- I have vacated the Gallery after the show on………………………………..…
- I have received the amount……………..………from the cash deposit of Rs.3000/.
- (Mention the reason of deduction if any…………..…………………......………
(Name & Signature of the exhibitor)________________________
(Coordinator, MAAG, AMU)
- Standee – Rs.100/- per day
- Banner Stretcher- Rs.100/- per day
- Refreshment- arrangement through University guest house with cash receipt.
- Tent house items- on advance payment.
- Plants- arranged from University Land and Garden with cash receipt of Rs.200/-
- and arranging art works etc. - one supportive staff may be hired on payment of Rs.300/- per day.Assistance in hanging
(Coordinator, MAAG, AMU)