Muslim University Riding Club
Murc Code of Conduct
MURC Code Of Conduct
Discipline is the cherished ideal of the club. At the stroke of time, all riders on their given turn line up (fall-in) according to their seniority. The senior most stands on the extreme right and so on. There is no compromise with this tradition of MURC.
Then the Captain takes the combined salute from all riders, commanded by the senior most member. A salute to the coach is also mandatory. The Captain or The Coach decides which horses are to be allotted to each member.
Each member must check the saddler of his horse, its cleanliness and also look out for any injuries or discomfort, which the horse might be experiencing. If anything of this sort is detected, he/she must immediately inform either The Captain or the Coach for further action. Captain is the supreme authority on the Riding Grounds but the training is imparted under the tutelage of the Coach.
Dress code is another rich aspect of MURC. Without full & proper uniform, no member is allowed for Riding. The Novice Training Course is of six-months duration, after which a Horsemanship Examination is held with the Captains consent and judged by former Captains and Riders. Novices passing the Examination get a Horsemanship Certificate and the Top three Riders are awarded respective Prizes. A prize at this stage also holds the key for bagging future posts. Here onwards, seniority of members increases with increase in Riding Experience and skills.
A standing of three years plus entitles a member to apply for the post of the Captain. For becoming the Captain, a member must be very senior or the senior-most, or having excellent record of discipline, horsemanship, respect of all members, Coach and the Captain, or have had contributed immensely for the enhancement of the club. A senior at the University level, at least a graduate, is preferred to those who maybe in the first or second year. A sensible leader and an educated youth make a competent Captain.
A team for National and local events is selected by the Captain. Every member leaving the club must salute the Captain and if the Captain is unavailable, the Coach. Post holders hold special powers in the absence of either the Captain or the Coach. An Army like discipline has been the reckoning force in the history of the Riding Club.