छात्रों की शिकायतों का निवारण
छात्र शिकायत निवारण समिति
Students' Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC), the committee constituted under the UGC (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations 2023
Prof. Parvaiz Talib
Chairperson SGRCContact Us
- chairperson-sgrc@amu.ac.in
Former Chairperson Department of Business Administration
Former Director Coaching and Guidance Centre (RCA)
Former Coordinator AMU Special Centres (Murshidabad, Malappuram, Kishanganj)
Committee Members:
Prof. Saghir Ahmad Ansari , D/O Agricultural Economics and Business Management
Prof. Sudharma Haridasan, D/O Library & Information Science
Prof. Mohammad Naseem Khan, D/O Political Science
Prof. Sartaj Tabassum, D/O Chemistry
Mr. Naseemuddin, Research Scholar, Department of Hindi Special Invitee
Any student with a grievance may submit this form
