Dean Students' Welfare
Vigilance Awareness Week
Vigilance Awareness Week-2016
Dear Students and Colleagues,
On the directives of Central Vigilance Commission, Aligarh Muslim University is observing Vigilance Awareness Week- 2016 on the theme "Public participation in promoting Integrity and eradicating Corruption" from 31st October to 5th November 2016.
You are requested to take Integrity Pledge by clicking on and if desired a Pledge Certificate may also be downloaded.
On the directives of Central Vigilance Commission, Aligarh Muslim University is observing Vigilance Awareness Week- 2016 on the theme "Public participation in promoting Integrity and eradicating Corruption" from 31st October to 5th November 2016.
You are requested to take Integrity Pledge by clicking on and if desired a Pledge Certificate may also be downloaded.
Vigilance Awareness Week-2021

Dean Students Welfare and Dean
Office: 05712700920 Ext: 3811 or 3827
Phone: 0571270092 Ext: 3810 or 3825