Degree Section
Degree Unit
One of the most crucial Sections of the Controller's Office is the Degree Unit. This section is preparing Degree/Diploma/Certificates and creating entries in the enrollment registers for all Aligarh Muslim University students (regular, private, and distant mode), this Section has been effectively handling a range of jobs.
Degree Unit Prepares Academic Transcripts, Rank Certificates, Migration Certificates and Provisional Certificates of graduated students.
Additionally, the Degree Unit keeps Stock Entries, Rank Lists by Course, and lists of Gold Medal awardees.
In addition, the Degree Section examines Degree/Diplomas/Certificates and transcripts of graduated students received from India and abroad.
In addition to the aforementioned amenities, the following fresh procedures have been established to assist students:
1. Computerized diplomas, degrees, and certificates.
2. Computerized Transcripts of Academic Record, Migration and Provisional Certificate
3. Award of Gold Medal to student by the Controller of Examinations