Computer Engg. Section - Women's Polytechnic
स्नातक के तहत
Computer Engineering
With a diploma in Computer Engineering you can definitely expect good career options not only in IT Industry but also in other areas like manufacturing sector, public utilities, airlines, etc as these industries are becoming more technology oriented and computerized. Definitely having a degree course caters to more advantages as compared to diplomas. One can look for jobs in Hardware, Networking, Web designing, Data Base, programming etc. If students are keen to pursue further education then they may opt for a degree course and other than this they may also look in to the various courses related to Hardware, Networking, Designing, Data base management or Network Security, Programming languages and many more as per area of interest in which they wish to pursue a career.
PEO1: Technical Skills: Will be engaged in the design and development of hardware, software tools and applications in the field of computer and allied engineering industries and strives to solve problems of social relevance using the knowledge acquired in the field.
PEO2: Successful Career: Will be able to deliver professional class solutions using contemporary technologies in the field of computer engineering and/or pursue higher education and research in leading institutions.
PEO3: Soft-Skills: Will be equipped with leadership qualities and will include ethics, team work, effective communication & time management in their profession.
PEO4: Lifelong Learning: Will Continually upgrade their skills as per market needs and incorporate latest tools and technologies to their working environment.
PO1: Engineering Knowledge : Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer engineering fundamentals for the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem Analysis : An ability to identify, analyse, formulate and solve technical problems using computing.
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions : Able to design component, or processes or computer program to meet the needs within realistic constraints.
PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problem : Able to carry out experiments, analyse results and to make necessary conclusions.
PO5: Modern Tool Usage : Able to apply the learned computer engineering tools and technologies to the real situational problems within given constraints.
PO6: The Engineer & Society : Able to understand professional and ethical responsibilities in computing profession.
PO7: Environment & Sustainability : Able to take part in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
PO8: Ethics : Able to understand and practice professional, ethical, legal, and social responsibilities as a responsible citizen.
PO9: Individual and Team Work : Able to participate effectively as an individual and as a team member or a leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary projects.
PO10: Communication : Able to communicate effectively verbally or in written.
PO11: Project Management & Finance : Able to understand the engineering and management principles and apply them wherever required.
PO12: Life-long Learning : Able to engage in life-long learning and to engage in continuing professional development.
COURSE.currl :
Information Technology
After diploma in Information Technology there are infinite opportunities and industries in which you can venture for the jobs such as Goverment Sector, Telecommunications, E-commerce , Biotechnology , etc. With experience and promotions, you can expect to reach the higher levels of hierarchy in the organization but definitely having a degree course caters to more advantages as compared to diplomas. If students are keen to pursue further education then they may opt for a degree course and later can also pursue teaching professions.
PEO1 : Technical Skills: Will be engaged in the design and development of hardware, software tools and applications in the field of computer and allied engineering industries and strives to solve problems of social relevance using the knowledge acquired in the field.
PEO2 : Successful Career: Will be able to deliver professional class solutions using contemporary technologies in the field of computer engineering and/or pursue higher education and research in leading institutions.
PEO3 : Soft-Skills: Will be equipped with leadership qualities and will include ethics, team work, effective communication & time management in their profession.
PEO4 : Lifelong Learning: Will Continually upgrade their skills as per market needs and incorporate latest tools and technologies to their working environment.
PO1 Engineering Knowledge : Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, and computer engineering fundamentals for the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 Problem Analysis : An ability to identify, analyse, formulate and solve technical problems using computing.
PO3 Design/Development of Solutions : Able to design component, or processes or computer program to meet the needs within realistic constraints.
PO4 Conduct Investigations of Complex Problem : Able to carry out experiments, analyse results and to make necessary conclusions.
PO5 Modern Tool Usage : Able to apply the learned computer engineering tools and technologies to the real situational problems within given constraints.
PO6 The Engineer & Society : Able to understand professional and ethical responsibilities in computing profession.
PO7 Environment & Sustainability : Able to take part in global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
PO8 Ethics : Able to understand and practice professional, ethical, legal, and social responsibilities as a responsible citizen.
PO9 Individual and Team Work : Able to participate effectively as an individual and as a team member or a leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary projects.
PO10 Communication : Able to communicate effectively verbally or in written.
PO11 Project Management & Finance : Able to understand the engineering and management principles and apply them wherever required.
PO12 Life-long Learning : Able to engage in life-long learning and to engage in continuing professional development.
COURSE.currl :