Tender Notice inviting tender application for award of licence of Coaching Classes in the premises (1) Senior Secondary School (Girls), (2) AMU Girls School, AMU, Aligarh | | 30/07/2022 |
RVG5200 & Intra oral camera | | 28/07/2022 |
NOTICE FOR INVITING E-TENDER NO. 07/WM/ET/2022-23 (REF. D. No. Elec./W&M/155 DATED 27.07.2022) | | 27/07/2022 |
NOTICE FOR INVITING E-TENDER NO. 06/WM/ET/2022-23 (REF. D. No. Elec./W&M/155 DATED 27.07.2022) | | 27/07/2022 |
NIT for AMC of Line Matrix Printer (LIPI 1500 LPM) and HID HDP - Fargo 5000 ID Card Printer | | 27/07/2022 |
NIT No. 56Bldg/22 dt.23.07.2022 University Engineer Building Department | | 25/07/2022 |
NIT No. 53Bldg/22 to 55/Bldg/22 D.No.2640/bldg dt. 20.07.2022 University Engineer Building Department | | 25/07/2022 |
Notice for inviting e-Tender No. 03/ET/SSS/2022-23/NIT | | 23/07/2022 |
Tender Notice for Sir Shah Sulaiman Hall Canteen | | 23/07/2022 |
TENDER NOTICE reg. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) of Computers issued vide its letter D.No.467/Gen dated 20.7.2022 | | 21/07/2022 |
Notice for Extension of e-Tender Submission date (IInd Call) | | 16/07/2022 |
Request for Quotation of repair work of CCTV Tower | | 15/07/2022 |
NIT No. 52Bldg/22 D.No.2640/bldg dt.13.07.2022 University Engineer Building Department | | 14/07/2022 |
NIT No. 51Bldg/22 D.No.2641/bldg dt.13.07.2022 University Engineer Building Department | | 14/07/2022 |
Notice for Extension of e-Tender Submission date | | 13/07/2022 |
Extension of Technical Bid opening date of e-Tender No.1/MCH/2022 for Renovation work, at JNMC Hospital AMU Aligarh | | 12/07/2022 |
Extension of Financial bid Opening date of e-Tender No.02 & 03/MCH/22 for Renovation work at J.N.M.C. Hospital AMU Aligarh | | 12/07/2022 |
NOTICE FOR INVITING E-TENDER NO. 05/WM/ET/2022-23 (REF. D. No. Elec./W&M/131 DATED 12.07.2022) | | 12/07/2022 |
Tender Cancellation Notice (NIT Ref. No. 01/PW/2022-23 to 27/PW/2022-23 dated 18.05.2022 and NIT Ref. No. 28/PW/2022-23 to 29/PW/2022-23 dated 17.05.2022 and extended NIT Ref. No. 01/PW/2021-22 to 04/ | | 06/07/2022 |
AMC of OFC Network and other allied across AMU Campus | | 04/07/2022 |