अरबी का विभाग
महत्वपूर्ण प्रयोगशालाएँ
Dept. data last updated on :03/03/2025
Audio Video Language Lab
q A High-tech Computerized Audio–Video Arabic Language Lab with 30+1 Computerized A/V machines
q Unique and improved system for audio-visually monitoring and direct two way audio-video communication with any of the learners working with his machine
q State-of-the-art, unique of its kind and very versatile
q Has very innovative modern facilities for the teaching of modern Arabic as a foreign language.
q Direct Arabic TV channels from the Arab World
q Several Audio-Video Arabic teaching software for teaching Standard Conversational Arabic and Saudi, Iraqi, Syrian, and Egyptian colloquial dialects.
q Linked with high speed AMU internet server.

Chairman and Professor