अरबी का विभाग


Dept. data last updated on :03/03/2025
भारतीय अरबी अकादमी का जर्नल -XLII-2

Journal Prof. Mohd Rashid 2022-23

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I & II (2020-2021)-2

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I & II (2020-21)-1

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I & II (2019-20)

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I & II (2019-20)

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-II (2018-19)

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I (2018-19)

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic-I (2018-19)

Call for papers for the Departmental Arabic Journal

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic, Vol-2 (2017-18)

Topics of the Special issue on Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Journal of the Indian Academy of Arabic, Vol-1 (2017-18)

Chairman and Professor