अर्थशास्त्र का विभाग

पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट

Dept. data last updated on :06/10/2024


MA ECONOMICS (Choice Based Credit System) Approved in the meeting of BOS held on 09.01.2023






Refer Guide to Admission 


Refer Guide to Admission 


Can work as an Assistant Professor in Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes;
Can be employed as an Economist, Economic analyst, Labour officer, Agriculture officer, Officers in banks, Financial advisor, Financial analyst etc, in the industries and service sector.


1.  To provide elaborate knowledge of the principles of Economics and apply in day to day life;

2.  To enrich the students with prevailing domestic and international economic issues;

3.  To develop analytical thinking skill to study and evaluate the various socio-economic issues and policies;

4.  To equip students with quantitative skills and analyse problems with empirical evidence;

5.  To expose students to the theory and functioning of the monetary and financial sectors of the economy;

6.  To equip the students with policy formulation and economic administration;

7.  To enable the students to examine the impact of trade policies followed both at national and international level;

8.  To enlighten the students with research issues in Economics and to develop scientific approach in the analysis of social problems;

9.  To provide employability skills through skill-oriented and application-oriented courses and in-service training;

10.To equip students to absorb socially desirable values through innovative teaching and outreach programmes.


The M.A. in Economics program emphasizes practical applications of economic theory. It is organized to provide students with analytical tools by which they can solve many economic problems existing in the real world.

The students will be able to apply:

1. Critical thinking

    1. Apply economic analysis to evaluate everyday problems.
    2. Apply economic analysis to evaluate specific policy proposals.


    2. Quantitative reasoning skills

    1. Understand how to use empirical evidence to evaluate an economic argument.
    2. Obtain or collect relevant data using specific research methods.
    3. Interpret statistical results.
    4. Perform appropriate statistical analysis of data.
    5. Develop deeper quantitative thinking skills.      

    3. Problem-solving skills

    1. Analyze problems that have clear solutions.
    2. Propose solutions for problems that do not have clear answers.

    4. Communication skills

    1. Communicate effectively in written or spoken form about specific economic issues.
    2. Develop a well-organized written argument that states hypothesis.
    3. Present an economic argument orally.



Chairman and Professor