Department of Education - Malappuram


Dept. data last updated on :15/10/2024

The Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University Centre Malappuram, Kerala follows a unique and innovative way of teaching and learning strategy with its vision of empowering teacher trainees by offering two year full time B.Ed programme with specialization in two teaching subjects since year 2013. It illumines the hearts and minds of the teacher trainees for an effective transformation into a social engineer. The teachers educated in this campus will go out with a rationale to contribute to the society by doing justice to their profession and to mould a new generation with values.  The B.Ed.  programme has been started in 2013 and formally inaugurated by Sri. E. Ahmed (Then Minister of States for External Affairs, Govt. of India) on 28th November 2013.   The programme has been extended in to  two years  duration  From 2015 with an interdisciplinary combinations in 14 teaching subjects with the  provision of variety of elective courses. The 14 teaching subjects comprises of  English, Hindi, Arabic, Urdu and Malayalam (Languages), History, Geography, Civics, Islamic Studies, Commerce and Economics (Social sciences) , Physical Science, Biological Science (Sciences ) and Mathematics.


B Ed Degree in dual teaching subjects

Interdisciplinary combinations in 14 Teaching Subjects

Provision for Elective Courses.

Prepared by the Department of Education, AMU and approved by Board of Studies of the Department.

Revised and introduced Credit Based Semester System in the year 2013

Revised and introduced new curriculum for Two year B.Ed. Programme in 2015

14 teaching Subjects offered

English, Hindi, Arabic , Urdu and Malayalam

Social Sciences:
History, Geography, Civics, Islamic Studies, Commerce and Economics

Physical Science, Biological Science and Mathematics



Weekly Seminar Presentations

Club Activities

Field Visits


Campus Drives

Cultural Programmes

Observation of Various Days

Daily Assembly



School Internship & Examinations


Placement Cell & Career Club

Research & Extension

Alumni and Public Relations

Science Club and Lab

Social Science Club & Lab

Language Club & Lab

ET Club and Psychology Lab

Natural Club, Curriculum and SUPW Labs

Health Club and Physical Education Lab


Classrooms- 4 Nos.

Faculty Room- 2 Nos.

Toilets: separate for staff, boys and girls

Boys Hostel- 1 No. (6 Blocks)

Girsl Hostel- 1 No. (3 Blocks)

Medical Room

Language Lab



Department Library

Science lab

Social Science Lab

Psychology Lab


Curriculum Lab

Vehicle parking shed for staff and students


Dining Hall

Multipurpose hall

Play Grounds (cricket/football, badminton, volleyball, & Basket ball)

Gymnasium: separate for boys & girls

Fee Charged for the Programme

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.): Admission fee: 9725.00 Tution fee: 550.00

Facilities Added during Last Quarter .

Reading room is shifted to a hall adjacent to Departmental Library, Department of Education. The Reading room is open till 6 P.M. everyday.

Resources in Library

Number of Books: 11379

Number of Journals & Periodicals: 84

Seating Capacity: 130


Department of Education, AMU Centre, Malappuram has the following infrastructural facilities.

1. Classrooms: Every classroom has sufficient seating arrangements, chalk board/marker-pen board, LCD projector. One classroom is facilitated with Interactive White Board (IWB)

2. Faculty Room: Faculty members of the department are given separate chambers with necessary facilities such as chairs, table, shelves, power supply, internet connectivity etc.

3. Toilets: The department ensures sufficient number of toilets/latrines for its staff, and students.

4. Students Hostel: The AMU Centre has facilitated students with accommodation facilities inside the campus. There are five hostel blocks for boys students and three blocks for the girls students.

5. Staff Quarters: The teaching and non-teaching staff of the Centre is given the facility to use the staff quarter at the residential area of the campus.

6. Medical Room: One medical room is arranged adjacent to the girls hostel to ensure first aid to the students and staff.

7. Language Lab: The department is having computers in the ICT Lab with the pre-installed Language Lab Software.

8. ICT Lab: The Centre has two ICT Laboratories, one common to all and another for department of education. Both the laboratories are connected with high speed internet.

9. Library: The Centre has two libraries, one general library and another for department of education.

10. Science lab: The department has a science laboratory where the apparatus and requirements for doing experiments of subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics are arranged.

11. Social Science Lab: The department has a social science laboratory where the apparatus, and requirements related to humanities and social science subjects are arranged.

12. Psychology Lab: The department has a psychological laboratory where the devices and tools used for psychological tests and experiments are arranged.

13. SUPW Lab: The department has a laboratory of Socially Useful Productive Works.

14. Curriculum Lab: The department has a curriculum laboratory where the students are made accessible to different text books, school curriculum, copies of various policies, commission, and reports related to education in the country.

15. Vehicle parking shed for staff and students: there are separate vehicle parking area for the staff and students of the Centre.

16. Canteen: There is a cafeteria which works from the morning to night in the Centre.

17. Dining Hall: There is a dining hall separate for boys and girls where food is supplied for he residential students.

18. Multipurpose hall: the department has a hall which s used for multiple purposes. It is facilitated with power supply, seating, microphone with amplifier, and a portable LED projector.

19. Play Grounds: The centre has play grounds for cricket/football, badminton, volleyball, & Basket ball

20. Gymanasium: There are gymnasiums separate for boys & girls at the Centre

Biometric Attendance System

A biometric attendance system is installed at the department. The attendance is uploaded on the website every month

Apex Body for Teacher Education Programme

National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) is the apex body for Teacher Education Programmes. The B.Ed. programme of AMU Centre Malappuram is recognized by NCTE.

Director and Assistant Professor