न्याय-आयुर्विज्ञान का विभाग
- Official timings are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM with lunch break between 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM except Friday wherein the timings are from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
- The designated non-teaching staff collects the keys from the chairman at 7:30 AM and opens the department (office, chambers and labs etc) and delivers the keys back to the chairman after closing the department at 4:00 PM.
- All the teaching and non-teaching members sign the Attendance Register the morning.
- Any member who leaves the department for some work (personal or otherwise) during the duty hours must sign the Movement Register kept in the chairman’s office along with the time of departure and subsequent arrival.
- Staff members (teaching and non-teaching) who wish to take leave must inform the chairman in advance and fill the respective leave form and submit it in the office.
- In unforeseen circumstances and emergency, the leave information may be conveyed to the chairman via e-mail, WhatsApp, SMS or phone call. The leave application form is later submitted.
- All members of the department carry out their Academic, Administrative and other assigned duties as per the protocol defined in the BOS of the department.
The Department Seminar Library caters to teaching staff as well as Postgraduate students and Interns.
The library is open during college hours ie from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Books are catalogued with Accession number as per the procedure followed by the Maulana Azad Library of the university.
All users must sign the Attendance Register and also indicate the time of arrival and departure.
Books are issued only to Teaching staff and PG students who will be responsible for the care and maintenance of the book and must return it in the same condition it was issued.
In case of any damage or loss of the book, the chairperson is to be informed who will decide the course of action to refurbish the lost or damaged book.
Medicolegal cases (Injury, Hanging, Strangulation, Poisoning, Gunshot) coming to the casualty or trauma centre are attended by the Casualty Medical Officer / Assistant Casualty Medical Officer on duty who provides first aid and emergency care.
Casualty Medical Officer / Assistant Casualty Medical Officer on duty informs the Senior Resident / Junior Resident of the department of Forensic Medicine to examine and initiate medicolegal formalties.
Specific proformas are prepared for different medicolegal cases like Trauma, Gunshot, Poisoning, Hanging & Strangulation and are placed in the CFMU. These proformas take care of medicolegal history and examination details. There is emphasis on the evidence or exhibit collection, preservation, sealing and labelling.
The proformas facilitate accurate and precise documentation of facts observed on examination.
All evidences / exhibits collected are preserved, sealed, labelled and handed over to the medicolegal counter.
Photographic record of all injuries and findings on examination is maintained. Photographs are taken along with measuring scale and MLC number.
All proformas, photographs and evidences or exhibits must have the MLC number.
The concerned JR/SR must sign each page of the proformas and indicate the name and designation of the consultant in-charge.
The original proforma is attached in the case file and a photocopy is maintained in the department for records.
SOP for cases of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault cases are on the rise in our country which has resulted in a burden on the health care system and judiciary. The National Crime Records Bureau has termed rape as India’s fastest growing crime.
The Delhi gang rape case 2012 marks a watershed moment in the history of Criminal law in India. Major amendments were made to the Criminal law pertaining to rape and sexual assaults.
However, despite the hype and media attention nothing much has been achieved as far as conviction rate is concerned. And this is mainly because of improper or poor medical evidence collection and documentation.
Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Medical College Hospital is a tertiary care referral centre and caters to a large number of sexual assault cases from in and around the neighbouring districts.
The following Standard
Operating Protocol (SOP) is being framed for the smooth conduct of examination
of survivors of sexual assault, collection of evidence and proper
documentation. The Standard Operating Protocol should be strictly adhered to
for getting the desired result.
Step I : Survivor/victim of sexual assault brought to the Casualty /Trauma Centre will be attended by the ACMO/Medical Officer on duty who will provide first aid and emergency care if required after a brief history and examination.
Step II ACMO/Medical officer on duty will inform the Senior Resident Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Forensic Medicine to examine and initiate medical and medicolegal measures.
Step III
A. Responsibilities of the Resident doctor Obstetrics &Gynaecology
History taking
Examination of breast and genitalia
Collection of specimens; Step 5 to Step 9 (MoHFW Proforma)
Documentation of findings
Medical treatment as required by the survivor
B. Responsibilities of the Resident doctor Forensic Medicine
Medicolegal history taking
General physical examination
Systemic examination
Collection of specimens; Step 1 to Step 4 and Step 10 to Step 12(MoHFW Proforma)
Documentation of Findings
Label and Seal all the evidences collected and submit at the Medicolegal counter for subsequent transport to the FSL
- Male victim/survivor of sexual assault and cases of unnatural sexual offences are to be examined by the resident doctors of the department of Forensic Medicine and concerned speciality (Surgery, Medicine , ENT etc)
Step IV
the findings on history and examination and evidences collected are to be
documented on the proforma given by the Ministry of Health & Family
Step V The resident doctors and respective Unit In charge from Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Forensic Medicine will sign the document along with their Name and Designation.
Step VI Every page of the
examination report is to be initialled by the Unit –In-Charge of both the
departments, Forensic Medicine Gynaecology, any other concerned speciality.
Students must come in aprons and bring their practical manual and the Forensic kit
Eating, drinking and mobile phones are not allowed in the lab
Students must come prepared and go through the assigned topic from the practical manual
Lab equipments, microscopes and glassware should be handled very carefully and properly
Any breakage or damage to the apparatus, spillage of reagents or body fluids etc must be immediately reported to the lab technician
All work stations must be handled with utmost care using gloves
For clinical practicals, proper etiquettes and ethics should be followed with due consideration to the dignity and privacy of the subject concerned
Informed consent must be taken from the subject before initiating clinical examination
Complete the assignment in the practical manual and get it signed by the teacher concerned