net qualified the during 2023 24 | | |
Action taken Report 2020-2021 & 2021- 2022 | | |
Geo tagged Photos Class room | | |
Geo tagged photos | | |
List of the Students benefited by career counseling and guidance | | |
List of the Students who Students who have progressed to Higher Education Ph.D. Hindi & Hindi Translation | | |
List of the Students who graduated and progressed to Higher Education M.A. IIIrd Semester Hindi & Translation | | |
Title of the Books with name of the Publisher & Address with ISBN/ISSN number of the Books | | |
Name of the Mentors & Departmental Coordinator of the Department of Hindi | | |
List of M.A.(Hindi ) IIIrd Semester Project Session 2021-2022 | | |
Name of Students placed during the year 2021 -2022 from 01.06.2021 to 31.08.2022 | | |
Name of Students Selected / qualified in state/national/international level examinations during the year 2021-2022 from 01.06.2021 to 31.08.2022 | | |
Capacity and development and skills enhancement initiatives are taken by the department during the year 2021-2022 from 01.06.2021 - 31.08.2022 | | |
list of Plagiarism Research Scholars | | |
Action taken report 2018-2019 | | |
Journals AN2 | | |
Journals AN1 | | |
Time table class room BA | | |
time table class room MA | | |
Time Table of UG & PG Courses | | |
SCHOLARSHIPS U.G & P.G For NAAC Purpose | | |
M.A HINDI( Translation) Syllabus For NAAC Purpose | | |
M.A HINDI OLD Pattern syllabus For NAAC Purpose | | |
M.A HINDI 2nd & 4th 2019 For NAAC Purpose | | |
M.A HINDI 2nd & 4th 2020 For NAAC Purpose null | | |
B.A HINDI Syllabus II,IV& VI 2019 For NAAC Purpose For NAAC Purpose only | | |
B.A HINDI Syllabus 1st & 3rd For NAAC Purpose For NAAC Purpose | | |
B.A HINDI Syllabus All Old &New Pattern For NAAC Purpose For NAAC Purpose only | | |