दूरस्थ संवेदन एवं भौ.स.प्र. अनुप्रयोग अंतर्विषयक विभाग
समाचार और प्रकाशन
Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025
Ms Shamaila Fatima M.Sc from this Department got SRF Position
The department congratulates Ms Shamaila Fatima for her Position as a SRF & YP-II under the National Initiative On Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) by ICAR New Delhi
Ms .Aiman Khan, a student of M.Sc. :selected for internship at National Institute of Disaster Management
Ms .Aiman Khan, a student of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) was selected for internship at National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi from 28.12.2015 to 28.01.2016.
Mr. Mohammad Alam and Ms. Maimoona Ali were selected for internship
Mr. Mohammad Alam and Ms. Maimoona Ali were selected for internship at BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd, Nehru Place, New Delhi from 30.12.2015 to 30.01.2016.
Mr. Malik Mohd Afzal and Ms. Nargis Shabnam, students of M.Sc. were selected for internship
Mr. Malik Mohd Afzal and Ms. Nargis Shabnam, students of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) were selected for internship at Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology, Thiruvanathapuram (Kerala) from 4-31 January, 2016.
Ms. Nargis Shabnam, a student of M.Sc.selected for two Week Training Course
Ms. Nargis Shabnam, a student of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) selected for two Week Training Course on Introduction to Digital Image Processing & Pattern Recognition??? in National Remote Sensing Centre, Balanagar, Hyderabad from 03-14 August, 2015.
Department (IRS & GIS Applications) has organized Plantation Programme
Department (IRS & GIS Applications) has organized Plantation Programme either side of the of the premise to cover the Sun shine& greenery to initiate " Swachchta Pakhawada" on June 11,2016 at 10:30 am. Kindly Visit to Gallery to see the Photos related to this programe.
Dr S Mohd. A. Rizvi ,Attended International Conference and Chaired the technical session
Dr S Mohammed A. Rizvi has Attended International Conference and successfully Chaired the technical session in The 5th International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes( EOGC) & the 7th International Conference on Geo-Information Technologies for Natural Disaster Management (GiT4NDM), December 08-10,2015 UAE University, UAE. and Dr Rizvi also successfully completed the Pre-Conference workshop on " Open Source hand-on GIS Workshop for Disaster Management using QGIS & GRASS" organised at the 5th International Conference (EOGC) & the 7th International conference on( GiT4NDM), December 07, 2015, UAE University, UAE.
Dr S Mohd A. Rizvi has attended Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) Use Interaction meet (IUIM-2016)
Dr S Mohd A. Rizvi has attended Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) Use Interaction meet (IUIM-2016) February 18,2016 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand , organized by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Department of Space, Govt., of India.
selected for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Ms Nargis Shabnam , Roll No. 14RSM-10 is selected for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at Jharkhan Space Applications Centre, Department of Information Technology & e-Governance, Government of Jharkhand, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Jharkhand.
Ms. Aiman Khan, Selected as a Remote Sensing & GIS Expert
Ms. Aiman Khan, Roll No. 14RSM-15 is placed in BSES Rajhdhani Power Ltd., New Delhi as a Remote Sensing & GIS Expert
Mr Amit Kumar, selected post of Sub-Inspector cryptographer
Mr Amit Kumar, Roll No. 14RSM-09, student of IRS & GIS Applications, F/o Science AMU , selected in the CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE for the post of Sub-Inspector cryptographer.
Student Qualified GATE Exam
Mr. Azhan Ahmad, Roll No. 16RSM-09 recently Qualified GATE Exam. with Percentile 94.3
Dr.S Mohd. A. Rizvi invited from ESRI India to attend the Asia's Biggest International conference
Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Aligarh Muslim University has received invitation from ESRI India to attend the Asia's Biggest International conference (UC Esri India User Conference 2017, GIS Enabling Transformation) to discuss at various current Scientific & technological issues at, The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel on 19-20 January 2017, Delhi, India
More than 200 delegates across the world Viz. USA, Switzerland, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka Lebanon and U.K etc. have attended, presented their papers and discussed new current scientific issues like Geospatial Technologies for smart cities. Transforming modern cities- A global perspective, Mapping in real time etc. Thus, it is therefore, an urgent need to introduce Remote Sensing GIS at School level for best state-of-the-art-Technology Transformation for betterment of the Nation skill development.
Dr.S Mohd. A. Rizvi, attended the " ESRI USER Conference & Exhibition (UCESRI-2017 INDIA) on the theme of "GIS
Dr.S Mohd. A. Rizvi, Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, AMU attended the " ESRI USER Conference & Exhibition (UCESRI-2017 INDIA) on the theme of "GIS: The Science of where" held at the leela A.C Hotel, New Delhi. During Conf. Dr Rizvi discussed emerging scientific and technological issues such as Smart-Cities programme in India, Drone Mapping, Statistical analysis of drone data, 3-D Mapping lidar multi dimension modelling, Big data analysis, geospatial for Urban Transformation & Geospatial technology.He further pointed out that geospatial technology benefits the health care industry with right database development, identifying areas of disease , Geolocation & researching for medical advancement. More than 250 delegates from USA,Canada,Eat Asia & Gulf countries attended the conference. Dr Rizvi also attended pre-confernce seminar on `GIS Educator Forum & Imagery & Mapping Summit.
Ms Shahar Bano, Selected for Internship programme at Bureau of Police Research & Development
Ms Shahar Bano, Selected for Internship programme at Bureau of Police Research & Development (Research & correctional Administration Division), Ministry of Home affair, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Her Internship programme started from 08th January 2018 to 29th January, 2018.
Students: attended Internship programme
1-Ms Asmita Jessie Sen, 2- Mr Danish Khan, 3-Mr Rehan Khan, 4- Mr Salman Khan,5- Mr Deeksha Singh, 6- Mr Mohd Faiz and 7-Mr Himanchal respectively. These students of M.Sc, Semester-I Session 2017-2018, attended Internship programme at Uttar Pradesh Remote Sensing Centre Kursi, Road Lucknow. ( i.e.From 06-01-2018 to 20-01-2018)
Department has organised an Observance of Pledge Ceremony on occasion of Anti-Terrorism day .
Department has organised an Observance of Pledge Ceremony on occasion of Anti-Terrorism day on 21st May 2018 The Staff & students have participated for the same.
Summer Training by Students
Eleven students of M Sc Remote Sensing and GIS Applications (Second Semester), Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Aligarh Muslim University have proceeded to pursue Summer Training at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun.
One week DST Workshop on Applications of Remote Sensing , GIS & GPS in Natural Resource Management during 09-15 October, 2017
One week DST Workshop on Applications of Remote Sensing , GIS & GPS in Natural Resource Management during 09-15 October, 2017
National Conference on "Role of Geospatial Technique for Good Governance & Sustainable Development" during 17-19 February 2018
National Conference on "Role of Geospatial Technique for Good Governance & Sustainable Development" during 17-19 February 2018
Prof Tariq Mansoor V.C AMU Aligarh has inaugurated "SMART Class Room" .29 April 2019
Prof Tariq Mansoor V.C AMU Aligarh has inaugurated "SMART Class Room" . Prof Shadab Khurshid, chairperson IDRS & GISA paid thanks to VC as well as to all supported staff during Smart Class Room & Innovation Work.
Lecture delivered on 29--4-2019Dr Dibyandu Dutta , Group Director, Earth & Climate Sciences, NRSC, (ISRO) Hyderabad
Dr Dibyandu Dutta , Group Director, Earth & Climate Sciences, NRSC, (ISRO) Hyderabad

Chairman and Associate Professor