दूरस्थ संवेदन एवं भौ.स.प्र. अनुप्रयोग अंतर्विषयक विभाग

प्रशिक्षण और योजना

Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025

Training and Placement Cell Formed

The Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, in collaboration with the Training and Placement Office (General), AMU, Aligarh, has established the Training and Placement Cell in the Department. Mr Saad Hameed, TPO (General), AMU, offered his expertise for the creation of the Training and Placement Cell. Dr Haris Hasan Khan, Chairman and Dr Asif Iqbal, TPO, Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, provided necessary assistance and support.

The Training and Placement office cell of the Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications will closely work with the Training and Placement Office (General), AMU, Aligarh, in order to facilitate the placement opportunity for the students of the department. The placement cell shall also organize the university interface programs through guest lectures, webinars, seminars, and workshops to provide corporate insight to the students.

Student coordinators and volunteers were shortlisted and assigned different portfolios as follows:


Work Assigned

Student Coordinators

Zuhail Abdullah

Team Coordinator,

Social Media Management

Shaista Perween

Team Coordinator, E-mailing

Student Volunteers

Hiba Siddiqui


Joel Varghese

Database Generation, Content Writing


Database Generation

Muhammad Zaid Qamar

Database Generation, Social Media Management

Ayaaz Abid

Database Generation

Huzaifa Ahmad

Database Generation

Mohammad Ahsan Sayeed

Social Media Management

Saman Shakeel

Calling Team


Calling Team

Areena Fatima

Content Writing

Students are placed during 2019-2020, siteRecon, India, Sonali Bindiya TA-Manager Siterecon.ai

Following students are got placement in siteRecon, India, Sonali Bindiya TA-Manager Siterecon.ai. their  Paypackaage :


per annum during training:

1. Aqib Hussain
2. Souban Jameel
3. Abhishek Gupta.
4. Umar Abdullah.
5. Mohd Saleem Siddiqui

1. Ms. Nargis Shabnam, a student of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) selected for two Week Training Course on â??Introduction to Digital Image Processing & Pattern Recognitionâ?? in National Remote Sensing Centre,

1. Ms. Nargis Shabnam, a student of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) selected for two Week Training Course on â??Introduction to Digital Image Processing & Pattern Recognition in National Remote Sensing Centre, Balanagar, Hyderabad from 03-14 August, 2015. 2. Mr. Malik Mohd Afzal and Ms. Nargis Shabnam, students of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) were selected for internship at Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology, Thiruvanathapuram (Kerala) from 4-31 January, 2016. 3. Mr. Mohammad Alam and Ms. Maimoona Ali were selected for internship at BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd, Nehru Place, New Delhi from 30.12.2015 to 30.01.2016. 4. Ms. Aiman Khan, a student of M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS Applications) was selected for internship at National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi from 28.12.2015 to 28.01.2016.

Ms Nargis Shabnam , D/o Mohd. Ayaz Khan is selected for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at Jharkhan Space Applications Centre, Department of Information Technology & e-Governance, Government of Jharkhand, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Jharkhand.

Ms Nargis Shabnam , D/o Mohd. Ayaz Khan is selected for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at Jharkhan Space Applications Centre, Department of Information Technology & e-Governance, Government of Jharkhand, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 Jharkhand.

Mr Amit Kumar student of IRS & GIS Applications, F/o Science AMU , selected in the CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE for the post of Sub-Inspector cryptographer.

Mr Amit Kumar, student of IDRS & GIS Applications, F/o Science AMU, was selected by the CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE for the post of Sub-Inspector cryptographer.

Ms Aiman Khan, Roll No. 14RSM-09 is Placed in BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd., Remote Sensing & GIS Division, New Delhi

Ms Aiman Khan, Roll No. 14RSM-09 is Placed in BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd., Remote Sensing & GIS Division, New Delhi

The following students of this department were selected & have successfully completed their Internship programme.

The following students of this department were selected & have successfully completed their Internship programme. 1-Ms Asmita Jessie Sen, 2- Mr Danish Khan, 3-Mr Rehan Khan, 4- Mr Salman Khan,5- Mr Deeksha Singh, 6- Mr Mohd Faiz and 7-Mr Himanchal respectively. These students of M.Sc, Semester-I Session 2017-2018, attended Internship programme at Uttar Pradesh Remote Sensing Centre Kursi, Road Lucknow. ( i.e.From 06-01-2018 to 20-01-2018) 8--Ms Shahar Bano, Selected for Internship programe at Bureau of Police Research & Development (Research & correctional Administration Division), Ministry of Home affair, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Her Internship programme started from 08th January 2018 to 29th January, 2018.

Campus Placement was carried out on May 04,2018 by Mr Saad Hamid & Dr S Mohd Asghar Rizvi, at Training & Placement Office, AMU Aligarh. The Applied GeoTech Solution Visited for the campus placements to students.

Campus Placement was carried out on May 04,2018 by Mr Saad Hamid & Dr S Mohd Asghar Rizvi, at Training & Placement Office, AMU Aligarh. The Applied GeoTech Solution Visited for the campus placements to students. Following Students have been selected. 1- Mod Alam, 2- Mohd Shayan Areeb, 3- Mohammed Yasir, 4- Mohammed Ahmad,5 Ms Aiman Javed & 6- Ms Farha respectively Hope students shall be join soon.

The following Students of M.Sc (Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Final Year have been selected through Training & Placement Office Recruitment drive of leading Noida power Corporation Limited (NPCL) .

The following Students of M.Sc (Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Final Year have been selected through Training & Placement Office Recruitment drive of leading Noida power Corporation Limited (NPCL) . 1- Ms Zareen Fatima & 2- Mr Mohd Shayan Areeb.

The List of the Bonafide studentsof M.Sc (Remoet Sensing & GIS Applications) 2nd Semester for " Summer Training" at IIRS Dehra un, Uttarakhan

The List of the Bonafide studentsof M.Sc (Remoet Sensing & GIS Applications) 2nd Semester for " Summer Training" at IIRS Dehra un, Uttarakhan 1-Ms Ashmita jessie Sen,2- Mr Himanchal, 3-Mr Faheed Jasin KP, 4-Mr Danish Khan, 5-Rehan Khan,6- Ms Fiza Masood, 7-Ms Deeksha Singh, 8-Saurabh Kumar, 9- Mr Shah Masood ul Islam, 10- Mr Mohammed Faiz and 11- Shhar Bano

The students of Remote sensing and GIS application have proceed to attend summer training:

The students of Remote sensing and GIS application have proceed to attend summer training: Eleven students of M Sc Remote Sensing and GIS Applications (Second Semester), Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Aligarh Muslim University have proceeded to pursue Summer Training at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun. The Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications informed that the group of students comprising Ms Ashmita Jessie Sen, Mr Himachal, Mr Faheed Jasin KP, Mr Danish Khan, Mr Rehan Khan, Ms Fiza Masood, Ms Deeksha Singh, Mr Saurabh Kumar, Mr Shah Masood Ul Islam, Mr Mohammed Faiz and Ms Shahar Bano, has proceeded to attend the summer training from June 18 to July 31, 2018.

All Students of M.Sc (Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Semester-III ( Session 2019-2020 have proceed for Internship/ Training programmes in respective Institutes/Department in various places Namely:- 1-Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology

All Students of M.Sc (Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Semester-III ( Session 2019-2020 have proceed for Internship/ Training programmes in respective Institutes/Department in various places Namely:- 1-Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, 2-Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Delhi, 3-International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Climate (ICRISAC) Hyderabad, 4- Delhi Technological University (DTU) Delhi, 5-Defense Terrain Research Laboratory (DRDO).Delhi, 5- National Remote Sensing Centre (NRC) Hyderabad and Space Applications Centre (SAC) Ahmedabad .

Ms Shahar Bano M.Sc (RS & GISA), has Completed her training/ dissertation from National Informatic Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronic & Information Technology, New Delhi Govt., of India. Presently, she is working at Haryana Space Application

Ms Shahar Bano M.Sc (RS & GISA), has Completed her training/ dissertation from National Informatic Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronic & Information Technology, New Delhi Govt., of India. Presently, she is working at Haryana Space Application Center (HARSAC), Gurugram node as a Project Assistant.

Placement of the students for the session 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 Please visit to link for details

Placement of the students for the session 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 Please visit to link for details (https://api.amu.ac.in/storage/file/newdata/depttmom/15015.pdf)
Chairman and Associate Professor