Department of Law - Malappuram
कैरियर सहकारी समिति
Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025
Career Guidance Committee 2024
Dr. Deeba Khanum
Adv. Parbitha
Placement Cell
The Training and Placement Cell of the Department is a body to facilitate the process of Campus Recruitment, Internship and Training Development. Dr. Deeba Khanum is in-charge of this committee.
Soft Skills Committee
It aims to provide the soft skill training to the students specially of interview, resume making, group discussion etc.
It acts as a nodal point for all placement-related activities and assists students in developing an effective legal job search strategy by providing relevant information and resources. Dr. Raghul V. Rajan is in-charge of the committee for the session 2022-23.

Director and Assistant Professor