Department of Law - Malappuram
समाचार और प्रकाशन
अलीगढ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी मलप्पुरम सेंटर में विधि विभाग द्वारा राष्ट्रीय कांफ्रेंस का आयोजन
Legal Aid Cell organises National Webinar on Juvenile Justice Act
, March 7,2022- The Legal Aid Cell of Aligarh Muslim university, Malappuram Centre organised a National Webinar on “Juvenile Justice Act- Exploring the Unexplored” on 6th March, 2022. The programme began with the recitation of the holy Quran by Mr Mohammad Azeem, a student of law at AMUMC. Mr Ghalib Nashter, Coordinator in the Department of Law at AMUMC gave the welcome address in which he welcomed Adv. Muhammad Ali Chaudhary, who is a Supreme Court attorney and an alumni of AMU. He introduced Dr Naseema PK, chairperson of Legal Aid Clinic, AMUMC, Dr. Shaista Nasreen, teacher in charge, Legal Aid Clinic, AMUMC, Dr. Absar Aftab Absar, teacher in charge, Legal Aid Clinic AMUMC. He also introduced the student in-charges, Ibrahim Quli, Shahrukh Khan and Afina S S, who anchored the webinar.
Dr Absar Aftab gave the introductory address in which he gave an overview of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015( JJ Act, 2015) in which he talked about preliminary questioning, age determination, conflicts in this act. Afina S S welcomed Adv. Mohammad Ali Choudhary to speak in depth about the JJ act, 2015.
Advocate Muhammad Ali Chaudhry started his speech by talking about the Nirbhaya gang rape case and how it had a tremendous impact on the framing of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015. The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 replaced the Juvenile Delinquency law and the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000. He talked about the faults in the previous act which created a need to form a new law to handle crimes committed by juveniles. He also addressed the causes that lead a minor to commit crimes and the various factors such as family background, upbringing, political environment etc that impacts the psyche of a child. He gave a presentation in which he defined who is considered a child and discussed various aspects of the JJ act, 2015. He differentiated between CICL(child in conflict with law) and CNCP (child in need of care and protection) . He said that the CCIL is handled by the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) and the CNCP is handled by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) . He discussed the salient features of the JJ act, 2015, fundamental principles of juvenile justice, classification of offences under the JJ act, social background report etc. He talked about the role and responsibilities of the Juvenile Justice Board and the procedure for the age determination. He also gave examples to explain how the JJB determines who gets bail by assessing various factors. He also mentioned that the JJ act is not a lenient act, but it gives benefit of doubt to the accused.
We also had an interactive round where the participants were allowed to ask questions about the JJ Act and Adv. Ali Chaudhary answered their queries. In the end of the programme organised by Legal Aid Clinic, Aligarh Muslim University , Malappuram Centre, Dr. Shaista Nasreen , proposed the vote of thanks to all the participants, resource person - Mr. Ali Chaudhary (Advocate in Supreme Court of India) , patrons – Dr. Faisal K.P. (Director, AMUMC), Mr. Ghalib Nashter, Convenors- Dr. Naseema P.K , Dr. Absar Aftab Absar. Some participants namely Irmeen Faisal, Shifa Fatima, Muskan khan, Fathima , Aabid, Aina Islam, Mohd. Faiz, Ulviyan Ghanii, Mantasha , Tooba khan and many more. More than 350 participants all over the world have registered for the event and most of them attend it . And as per the ritual of Aligarh Muslim University, Legal Aid Clinic Member , Mr. Shahrukh Khan played the University Tarana followed with the National Anthem.
Alumni meet of the students
Topic: *Alumni Meet* *Mar 7(Monday), 2022 07:00 PM*
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Department of Law, AMU Centre Malappuram is collecting data of its alumni for record and to create a future network for the development of the department and and to receive information to built a strong fraternity.
The Student Induction programme for the first semester students of B.A.LLB-AMU Centre Malappuram
The Student Induction programme for the first semester students of B.A.LLB course of session 2020-21was conducted by the Department of Law, AMUMC, through online modeon Saturday, 13 March, 2021.Dr. Faisal K.P, theHon. Director of the Centre inaugurated the programme. Inhis inaugural speech, the Hon. Director gave the new studentsa glimpseon the establishment and growth of the AMUMC and warmly welcomed and congratulated them all.He urged the students to excel in their studies and career and contribute to the rich traditions of Aligarh Muslim University. The Coordinator of the Law Department, Mr. GhalibNashterextended awarm welcome to the new students of the department. In his welcome address, Mr.Ghalib Nashter introduced the department to the students and highlighted the achievements and activities of the students of the department.
The programme in allhad eight speakers who made the students familiar with academic procedures , the platforms and opportunitiesthat will be made available to them during their courseat the department. They were also introduced to the ethos, culture and tradition of the Aligarh Muslim University.While the first speaker Mr. MohdShakil Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, introduced the AMU and its traditions, Mr. Mohd Abu Shahid, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, made them familiar with the residential life at the Centre. The curriculum and Law society of the department was explained by Dr.Shahnawaz Ahmad Malik, Assistant Professor of the department of Law in his speech to the students. WhileDr.Naseema P.K, Assistant Professor of the department of Law introduced the Legal Aid Cell of the department, the information on Scholarships and financial assistance was given by Dr.Najmuddin T, Assistant Professor, Department of Law .
The rules of discipline and conduct at the Centre were explained by Dr.RaghulV.Rajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Law and the deputy proctor at the Centre.Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Law,provided them a detailed information on the pattern of Examination, Attendance and Evaluation and Mr. Mohammad Ahazam Khan, Assistant Registrar at the Centre, familiarised them with administrative requirements and procedures of the Centre.A vote of thanks was extend by Dr.Azmat Ali, Assistant Professor, department of Law.
The programme was anchored by Dr. Bilal Ahmad Sheikh, Assistant Professor, and department of Law, who along with Dr.Md Safdar Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, was also Teacher- in charge of the Programme.