जनसंचार का विभाग
Frank & Debbie Islam Mass Communication Auditorium SOP
- An authorized entry system has to be followed
- The attendance register is to be maintained for students
- Only authorized staff to have access to the control room
- Edibles are strictly prohibited in the auditorium
- In charge to ensure that all lights and air-conditioning is switched- off after use
- Films to be screened only with prior authorization.
Seminar Library-Cum-Reading Room SOP
The Seminar Library of the Department has a good stock of over 2200 books, both text as well as reference books on various areas of communication and media studies. It has an active subscription of 10 research journals and over half-a-dozen newspapers. The seminar has a sitting capacity of over 30. Dissertations, Magazines, Handbooks, encyclopedias, Ph.D. theses are also available in the seminar for the use of faculty members, research scholars, and the students. The seminar functions with the help of one semi-professional assistant.
- All books and journals are properly cataloged with accession numbers assigned by Maulana Azad Library and separate accession numbers by seminar Library for each document/ source of knowledge.
- Each student member is issued a seminar library card for the issue of books.
- The Semi-professional assistant maintains the book issue register for the issue and return.
- Strict discipline is enforced to maintain academic ambiance inside the reading room.
- Every student is supposed to take clearance from the seminar for the final viva-voce examination. Similarly, every faculty member has to take clearance from the seminar library at the time of their retirement.
- The Seminar library remains open for the students from 9.0 am to 4.0 PM without lunch break on every working day except on Friday on which the seminar library operates from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm. No outsider is allowed to sit in the Seminar Library.
- The visitor register is maintained by the seminar library.
Video Production Studio SOP
- Entry to the studio to be restricted to authorized persons only
- All systems and hardware to be run with air-conditioning
- No equipment or accessory to be relocated, modified, disassembled, or removed without the permission of the studio-in-charge
- Any problem related to hardware or software in the studio is to be reported to the studio-in-charge
- Shoes and edibles are not allowed in the studio
- A log-register to be maintained for issuance of equipment to students
- Studio-in-charge to check all returned items for damages
Computer Lab SOP
1. Use of the computer lab to be restricted to bonafide students, research scholars, and faculty members of the Department.
2. Use of the computer lab facility is subjected to entry in a logbook to be maintained for the purpose
3. All systems to have authorized access through login ID and Password
4. Computer equipment or accessory shall not be relocated, disassembled without the permission of the lab-in-charge
5. Users are not allowed to install or uninstall or modify any software in the computer lab
6. Users are also refrained from browsing, downloading, watching movies and videos, and online chatting and playing games
7. The state of the computer system has to be checked before and after its use for proper maintenance of the systems.
8. All types of eatables are strictly prohibited in the computer lab.
9. Talking, shouting, listening to music, and users of mobile phones are not allowed in the lab.
10. Use of external devices on lab computers is strictly prohibited.
11. The lab facility shall not be used for any disruptive or illegal purposes.
12. Accessing, displaying, and downloading offensive graphics or videos are not permissible.
13. Any problem related to the hardware or software of the computer in the lab is supposed to be reported to the Computer Lab In-charge immediately after realization.
14. Before leaving the lab, users are supposed to log off or shut down the computer.
15. As per the provisions of AMU Acts and Students' code of conduct, disciplinary actions may be taken if anyone is found guilty of accessing objectionable websites or any online activity with wrong intentions.
Mass Communication Office SOP
- 1. The office performs the task of sending and receiving letters on behalf of the chairman, and giving appointments, and arranging a meeting of the visitors with the Chairman.
- 2. The office maintains all official communication records including attendance of M.A. (Mass Communication) students and Research Scholars.
- 3. The office hours are 08:00 AM to 04: 00 P.M. with a one-hour lunch break.
- 4. The visitors desirous of meeting the chairman are supposed to wait at the visitor’s lobby till they are permitted to meet the chairman.
- 5. Access to the password-protected Office computer is restricted to designated office staff only.
- 6. The Office services can be availed only by the bonafide students, research scholars, and faculty members of the Department.
- 7. Talking, shouting, listening to music and excessive use of mobile phones are not allowed in the office.
- 8. Office staff shall refrain from browsing, downloading, and watching movies and videos, accessing restricted websites, online chatting, and playing a game.
- 9. As per provisions of AMU Acts and Statutes, disciplinary actions may be taken if anyone is found guilty of accessing objectionable websites or any online activity with wrong intentions.