पैट्रोलियम अध्ययन का विभाग
महत्वपूर्ण प्रयोगशालाएँ
The Department has well equipped facilities in the following laboratories
1.Petroleum Testing Laboratory
2. Polymer and Composite Materials Laboratory
4. Reaction Engineering Laboratory
5. Computer Application Laboratory
Laboratory facilities in the following area exist in the sister department, which are shared by the UG/PG students of the Department of Petroleum Studies
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Mechanical Operations
3. Heat Transfer
4. Mass Transfer
5. Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics
In addition to the above, the Department also have advanced research facilities in the following areas/lab
1. Surface Science and Engineering
2. Polymer and Composite Materials
3. Advanced Separation Processes
5. Algal Biofuels
6. Polymer Surfactant Systems
7. Biomass Conversion8. Materials Degradation and Stabilization
9. Computation Facilities