सुघट्य शल्य चिकित्सा का विभाग
Plastic Surgery
Department of Plastic Surgery is the superspeciality department in the faculty of medicine conducting a M.C.I. recognized course in M.Ch., Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The intake is through an all India entrance test with four seats per year from the academic session 2013-2014. M.Ch. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) course is being conducted since 1989 and so far 50 candidates have been awarded the M.Ch. degree by the university. Plastic Surgery was established as a separate department in September 2005. At present the
Department has three faculty members.
1) Prof. Imran Ahmad -- Professor
2) Dr. M. Fahud Khurram -- Associate Professor
4) Dr. Sheikh Sarfraz Ali -- Assistant Professor
Academic activities in the department are held five days a week, involving teachers & residents with Seminars, Journal club, Case presentation/planning sessions and mortality/morbidity meetings. Plastic Surgery runs OPD six days in a week. Besides elective patients in the OPD, it entertains emergencies round the clock, like- burns, road traffic accidents/assaults, faciomaxillary trauma and hand injuries. It has 50 beds for indoor admitted patients out of which eight beds are exclusively meant for major burns patients. It has an elective operation theater with two tables running six days a week and one minor O.T. in OPD block running six days a week. Carl-Zeiss operating microscope is available in the elective OT for microsurgery. Department is in the process of establishing a microsurgery lab.
Our vision is to provide an atmosphere in which excellence in health care, education and research can continue.
Our mission is to contribute towards improving the quality of life of individuals by providing cost effective quality medical care and for our residents to learn the art and craft of Plastic Surgery.
Infrastructure / Facilities / Labs in the Department of Plastic Surgery