विकिरण निदान का विभाग
पूर्व छात्र संबंध
Alumni of Radiodiagnosis, List - 2021-2022
Dr. Sumbul Zaheer; Senior radiologist at SGH Singapore
A senior radiologist at SGH Singapore and alumni of AMU delivered an extension lecture on " Advances in Nuclear Medicine on 28.03.2018.
Dr. Shams Iqbal; Interventional Radiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, USA
Interventional Radiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, USA.
26-27th December 2019
A CME and Hands-On-Workshop on Interventional Radiology for beginners
Dr. Dinesh Sharma; Consultant neuroradiologist and Associate Professor affiliated with Thomas Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia, USA.
Dr. Dinesh Sharma
An online CME on Neuroradiology by Dr. Dinesh Sharma, a renowned board-certified consultant neuroradiologist and Associate Professor affiliated with Thomas Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia, USA.
Dr. Kohkan Shamsi (International Faculty)
Dr. KOhkan Shamsi (International Faculty)
Teaching Programme on 7th February and 08th February by adjunct faculty in the Department of Radiodiagnosis.
Day 1-7th February 2020
1.Good Clinical Practice
2. Increasing role of Radiologists in drug and medical device development; Independent blinded read of imaging data.
Day 2,8 February 2020
1. Criteria for evaluation of lymphoma.
2. Oncology criteria for solid tumorss
3. Imaging in Alzheimer's disease trials
4. Interactive session wit hResidents
The department maintains cordial relations with its alumnis. The department also organizes regular meets, conferences and invites the alumni for various talks facilitating the exchange of ideas and knowledge, further boosting the relationship with the alumnis.