सैदला (औषध-निर्माण विज्ञान) का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :27/01/2025
Guest Lecture 03-06-2024

Guest Lecture 28-12-2023

Guest Lecture 29-11-2023

Guest Lecture 28-10-2023

Guest Lecture 21-09-2023

Guest Lecture 31-08-2023

Guest Lecture 08-08-2023


Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Pharmacists

A Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for
Unani Pharmacists
was successfully organized from
14-19 May 2022
by Dept. of Saidla, A. K. Tibbiya college, A. M. U., Aligarh

Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Teachers of Saidla

A Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Teachers of Saidla discipline of Unani System of Medicine was successfully organized from
07 to 12 May 2022
by Dept. of Saidla, A. K. Tibbiya college, A. M. U., Aligarh

Swachhta Pakwada

Department of Saidla observes swachhta pakhwada 

Invited Talk/ Guest Lecture

Communication Skills

Invited Talk/ Guest Lecture

Research Design

Invited Talk / Guest Lecture

Hazardous chemicals in lab and safety

Guest Lecture

A guest lecture of Mr Mohd Yusuf Ansari  was organized on the topic entitled "Solving the research problems using Spread sheet software (Microsoft Excel)"  on 24-02-2022 in the Committee room Department of Saidla,

Guest Lecture

A guest lecture of Dr S. M Ahmer was organized on the topic entitled "Mendeley: A reference management Tool" on 27-01-2022 in the Committee room Department of Saidla,

Guest Lecture

A guest lecture of Prof. Asad Ullah Khan was organized on the topic entitled "Paper and Grant writing".

Matribhasha Diwas (Mother Language Day)

The Department of Saidla was successfully celebrated Matribhasha Diwas (Mother Language Day) on 21/02/2022 to promote the use of mother language. 

Constitution Day Celebration 2021

The Department of Saidla was successfully celebrated constitution Day on 26th Nov 2021.  Following activities was observed: i) The Preamble of the Constitution was read by all the employees at Committee Room Department of Saidla.(ii) A guest lecture of Prof. K Salahuddin Siddiqui was organized on the topic entitled as “Hazardous Chemicals in labs: Safety and Uses”.

Continuing Medical Continuing MedicalEducation (CME) Education (CME) Education (CME) Programme Programme Programme for Teachers for Teachers

A Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Teachers of Saidla discipline of Unani Medicine is being organized w.e.f. 22 to 27 October 2018 in the Dept. of Saidla, A. K. Tibbiya College, A. M. U., Aligarh

The Department of Saidla has successfully organized a two days National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Modernization of Unani Pharmacy:

The Department of Saidla has successfully organized a two days National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Modernization of Unani Pharmacy: Need and Importance in November 2015 at Aligarh. The substantial financial assistance for conducting the seminar was provided by NCPUL and the Aligarh Muslim University.

A Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Teachers of Saidla discipline of Unani System of Medicine was successfully organized from 24 to 29 November 2016 by Dept. of Saidla, A. K. Tibbiya college, A. M. U., Aligarh.

1. A Six - day Continuing Medical Education (CME) programme for Teachers of Saidla discipline of Unani System of Medicine was successfully organized from 24 to 29 November 2016 by Dept. of Saidla, A. K. Tibbiya college, A. M. U., Aligarh.

Department of Saidla observes the Constitution day on 26th Nov 2019. Students and â??research scholars have participated in this event and performed following activities. â??

Department of Saidla observes the Constitution day on 26th Nov 2019. Students and â??research scholars have participated in this event and performed following activities. â?? â?¢ Debate â?? â?¢ Essay writing â?? â?¢ Distribution of brochure â?? â?¢ Reading session of Constitution Preamble On this occasion, Dr. Mohammad Rashid and Dr. Huda Nafees spoke about the â??importance of Indian Constitution.â??

Chairman and Professor