सैदला (औषध-निर्माण विज्ञान) का विभाग
The Department has 03 Labs equipped with Pharmaceutical, Pharmacological and Analytical instruments to provide quality research. These labs are also endowed with good teaching and training facilities.
- Pharmacy and Drug Testing Lab
- Research Lab
- Saidla Lab
SOP For Pharmacy and Drug Testing Lab
Procurement of equipment as per requirement of students and teachers |
Lab In-charge |
Redressal of grievance of student regarding lab |
Lab In-charge |
Monthly inspection of lab, equipment and log register |
Lab In-charge |
Physical verification of lab equipment annually |
Lab In-charge |
Preparation of SOP of equipment when purchased |
Lab In-charge/ STA |
To encourage the students to use online resources such as ‘’Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries (LCSS)’’ published on PubChem and ‘’Prudent Practices in the Laboratory’’ published by the National Research Council for handling and management of chemical hazards. |
Lab In-charge/ STA |
Maintenance of stock and log register |
To make aware students about safety measures while using equipment and chemicals |
To make aware students about technical knowhow of instruments |
Demonstration and training of students to operate equipment |
Maintenance of equipment |
To prepare list of chemicals, glassware and equipment present in the lab |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Assist students during their experiments |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Student’s grievance submission to Lab In-charge |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Labelling of each equipment and chemicals |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Storage of chemicals |
Pharmacy Attendant |
To issue glassware, chemicals and other consumable items to students |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Opening, closing of lab and cleaning of equipment as per schedule |
Lab Attendant |
Make sure that all the switches and instruments have turned off before closing the lab |
Lab Attendant |
Safety glasses, gloves, and laboratory coats are required in the laboratory when working with chemicals.
Always wear aprons before entering in lab.
Wash hands after handling chemical materials, after removing gloves, and before leaving the laboratory.
Wash your used glassware and clean the workstation by yourself.
Leather shoes, closed-toe with slip- resistant soles are recommended whenever you are working in the laboratory, even if you are just entering data.
Procurement of equipment as per requirement of students and teachers |
Lab In-charge |
Redressal of grievance of student regarding lab |
Lab In-charge |
Monthly inspection of lab, equipment and log register |
Lab In-charge |
Physical verification of lab equipment annually |
Lab In-charge |
Preparation of SOP of equipment when purchased |
Lab In-charge/ STA |
To encourage the students to use online resources such as Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries (LCSS)published on PubChem and Prudent Practices in the Laboratory published by the National Research Council for handling and management of chemical hazards. |
Lab In-charge/ STA |
Maintenance of stock and log Register |
To make aware students about safety measures while using equipment and chemicals |
To make aware students about technical knowhow of instruments |
Demonstration and training of students to operate equipment |
Maintenance of equipment |
To prepare list of chemicals, glassware and equipment present in the lab |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Assist students during their experiments |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Student’s grievance submission to Lab In-charge |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Labelling of each equipment and chemicals |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Storage of chemicals and cleaning /dusting of equipment |
Pharmacy Attendant |
To issue glassware, chemicals and other consumable items to students |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Opening, closing of lab and cleaning of equipment as per schedule |
Lab Attendant |
Make sure that all the switches and instruments have turned off before closing the lab |
Lab Attendant |
Work under supervision of Lab In-charge
Safety glasses, gloves, and laboratory coats are required in the laboratory when working with chemicals.
Always wear aprons before entering in lab.
Wash hands after handling chemical materials, after removing gloves, and before leaving the laboratory.
Wash your used glassware and clean the workstation by yourself.
Leather shoes, closed-toe with slip- resistant soles are recommended whenever you are working in the laboratory, even if you are just entering data.
Procurement of equipment as per requirement of students and teachers |
Lab In-charge |
Redressal of grievance of student regarding lab |
Lab In-charge |
Monthly inspection of lab, equipment and log register |
Lab In-charge |
Physical verification of lab equipment annually |
Lab In-charge |
UG [BUMS] and PG [MD & PG Dip] practical and demonstration classes |
Concerned Teacher |
To make aware UG students about safety measures while using equipment |
Concerned Teacher |
Preparation of SOP of equipment when purchased |
Lab In-charge/ STA |
Maintenance of Stock and Log Register |
Maintenance of Equipment |
Procurement of raw material for practical training and demonstration of students |
Demonstration and training of students to prepare Unani Formulations |
Demonstration and training of students to process Unani drugs |
To make aware students about technical knowhow of instruments |
Demonstration and training of students to operate equipment |
To prepare list of drugs, glassware and equipment present in the lab |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Student’s grievance submission to Lab In-charge |
Pharmacy Attendant |
Labelling of each equipment and storage of chemicals |
Pharmacy Attendant |
To issue glassware and drugs to the students for practical training |
Lab Attendant |
Opening, closing and cleaning of lab as per schedule |
Lab Attendant |
Make sure that all the switches and instruments have turned off before closing the lab |
Lab Attendant |
Check the control knobs of gas stove and turnoff cylinder regulator before leaving the lab |
Lab Attendant |
Always wear Aprons before entering in lab.
Wash hands before leaving the laboratory.
Wash your used glassware and clean the workstation by yourself.
Leather shoes, closed-toe with slip- resistant soles are recommended whenever you are working in the laboratory, even if you are just entering data.
Work Assigned |
Responsibility |
Collection and Submission of keys of the Department |
Office Attendant |
Opening & Closing of Department |
Office Attendant |
Sweeping and Cleaning of the Department and washrooms |
Safai wala |
Dusting of Labs, Faculty Chambers, Seminar and Museum, Notice board |
Attendants |
Receive and Dispatch of the DAK |
Clerical Staff |
Proper filing and Maintenance of DAK in receive/Dispatch register |
Clerical Staff |
Showing DAK to the Chairperson |
Clerical Staff |
Distribution and circulation of DAK to the concerned office or staff |
Office Attendant |
Drafting and Typing of letters given by Chairperson or Faculty member |
Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of Staff attendance |
Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of monthly attendance and sessional record of students |
Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of Leave record of staff and PG students |
Clerical Staff |
Maintain and manage Department records in a well organized manner |
Clerical Staff |
Update Notice Board |
Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of Stock Register of permanent items of Department |
STA/Clerical Staff |
Department fund management as instruct by Chairperson |
STA/Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of record of Purchase of items for Department |
STA/Clerical Staff |
Maintenance of Office and Lab equipments |
Maintenance of Department Seminar, issue and receive register of books |
Clerical Staff |
Organize Meetings of the Department (BOS & Different Committees) |
STA/Clerical Staff |
Website update |
Clerical Staff |
Lawn Maintenance |
Gardner |
Project’s Record maintenance |
Clerical Staff |
CME, Conferences, Workshops, Seminar’s record maintenance |
Maintenance of record of Seminar Presentations and Guest lectures |
Clerical Staff |
The department seminar library having 713 books and ICT facility provides access to extensive range of information resources to enhance teaching and research.
Work Assigned |
Responsibility |
Selection of books for purchase as per requirement of students and teachers |
Seminar In-charge |
Redressal of grievance of student regarding Seminar library |
Seminar In-charge |
Monthly checking seminar facilities and all registers related to seminar library |
Seminar In-charge |
Maintenance of Catalogue |
Clerical/Library Staff |
Maintenance of Seminar library Accession Register |
Clerical/Library Staff |
Issuing and receiving of books and maintenance of daily Issue Register |
Clerical/Library Staff |
Maintenance of Computers |
Clerical/Library Staff |
Placing of books in shelves according to the call number |
Clerical/Library Staff |
Yearly physical verification of books |
Central Library staff |
Maintenance of log register of Seminar |
Student's Representative |
Maintenance of log register of Computers |
Student's Representative |
Maintenance of visitors register of Seminar |
Student's Representative |
Student’s grievance submission to Seminar In-charge |
Student's Representative |