Ph. D. (Arabic)
Assistant Professor
Modern Arabic Literature
Vil. Thrauli, Post Thakurapur, Distt. Balrampur- UP
Dr Ahsanullah Khan is working as Assistant Professor in the department of Arabic, faculty of Arts since October, 2014. He is specialized in Modern Arabic Literature and Indo-Arab Literature. He has also served as Guest Faculty (Arabic) from December 2005 to August 2013 in the department of commerce and from September 2013 to October, 2014 in the department of Arabic. He was Sir Syed Fellow (on Honorary basis) in the Sir Syed Academy, AMU, Aligarh from March, 2013 to October, 2013. He has supervised 01 post doctoral fellowship and 02 Doctoral Theses while 02 more are under supervision. A PhD in Arabic who has more than 40 publications to his credit; out of which 14 are in Arabic language and 28 in urdu language published in reputed journals and magazines. He has edited two books viz. Klasiki Shayri – Nizamat faasilaati ta’leem published by Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. ISBN: 978-93-80322-58-2, and “Empowerment of women under the Prophet of Islam” ISBN: 978-93-84354-28-2 published by Seerat Committee, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
Dr. Ahsan has qualified NET exam twice in December 1996 and December 1999, conducted by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. He also got the prestigious fellowship from the Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi for three consecutive years from 1998-2001. He has attended a Refresher course on Literary Schools and Movements in Modern Arabic Literature in 2006 and Induction Programme in 2015, Refresher course on Research Methodology in Oriental Studies (Arabic) in 2015 and Winter School Programme in 2018 conducted by UGC, Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh.
He has delivered a special guest lecture on “Contribution of Husain bin Mohsin Yamani Family to the development of Arabic studies in India” on February, 2020 Dept. of Arabic, University of Mumbai. He has attended “Workshop on Yoga” on the occasion of “International Day of Yoga Celebrations” organized by Department of Physical Education, AMU, Aligarh, in 2017 & 2018. He has presented nine papers in international seminars and 20 papers in national seminars. He is fluent in Arabic, English, Hindi, Persian & Urdu languages.
He is very active in university corporate life and has a vast administrative experience of more than 15 years in different capacities. He is also associated with NGOs for social welfare.
- Publication
1. (i) Al Imam Hasan Al Banna wa Ishamatuhu Fi Majal-id-Dawah wa-el-Adab Al-Baas Al-Islami, (monthly) Lucknow July, August 2012.
(ii) Al Imam Hasan Al Banna wa Ishamatuhu Fi Majal-id-Dawah wa-el-Adab Al-Baas Al-Islami, (monthly) Lucknow August, September 2012.
(iii) Al Imam Hasan Al Banna wa Ishamatuhu Fi Majal-id-Dawah wa-el-Adab Al-Baas Al-Islami, (monthly) Lucknow, September, October 2012.
2. Musahamato Jamia Aligarh Al-Islamiah Fi Tatweer-el-Adab-el-Arabi-al- Hindi, Journal of Indian Academiy of Arabic (Half Yearly) Aligarh, No. Vol. 30, 2010-11.
3. Al Ittejahat Al Islamia fi Kitabat-e-Syyed Qutub, Journal of Indian Academy of Arabic (Half yearly), Aligarh, No. V-26th, 2006-07