Prof. Mohd. Faizan Beg
Modern Arabic Fiction, Modern Translation, Teaching Arabic to Non Arabs , Teaching Spoken Arabic through Language Lab
Areesh, Road.No. 04, Iqra Colony, Aligarh
Professor Mohd. Faizan Beg did his post graduate in Arabic in 1984 and obtained doctorate in Arabic from Aligarh Muslim University on Socio-Political Themes in the Novels of Najeeb Mahfooz. He joined as lecturer in 1991,became Reader/Associate Professor in 2000,and working as a Professor since 2008.
His areas of interest are: Modern Egyptian fiction, Modern Arabic-English and vice versa Translation , Teaching Arabic to Non Arabs and Spoken Modern Standard Arabic as well as different Arabic dialects.
He has initiated several papers in Modern Translation at UG, PG level. Prof. Beg has established a High-tech Computerized Audio-Video Arabic Language Laboratory for training of graduate and post graduate students for spoken Arabic under D.S.A. scheme. He has written two books and authored over a dozen articles in Arabic, English and Urdu. He has been invited as resource person for many courses held in academic staff college.An internationally traveled person, Prof Beg has attended many national and international seminars and workshop on his area of interest.
- Publication
1) Aain-e- nau ( Urdu Translation of al-Qahira -tul- Jadidah by Nobel laureate NAJEEB MAHFOUZ (Book)
2) Muaasir Arabi Shaeri Mein Ek Naya Muzahamati Rujhaan (Book)
3) Application Of Audio - Video Communication System For Modern .3 Language Laboratory And Virtual Classroom,(A chapter in the book) Libraries In The Changing Dimensions Of Digital Technology, vol.III