B.Sc. (Physics), MBA PhD
Associate Professor
Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Export
+91-94123-33133 , ,
Dr. Asif Ali Syed B. Sc. (Phy), MBA, Ph. D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He is a full-time faculty for the last 23 years, and teaches e-Marketing, Retail Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Export Import Process and Documentation. He is also the founding team members of the South Asian Federation for Entrepreneurial Education and Research (SAFEER). Prior to joining academics, he had a brief industry association with Shell and Phoenix Electrics. He has authored three books and his publications are in more than 60 reputed national and International journals. As well a reviewer for many international journals. Also, being widely travelled, he is a presenter and invited key note speaker in both national and international conferences. A visiting faculty a several reputed institutes like NCHMCT Noida, IHM Srinagar, IHM Jaipur, EDI Ahmedabad, NIFT, HIMS and Royal University of Bhutan. He does consultancy and corporate training besides being a full-time research guide for a number of Techno Management Research projects. The 28 plus research projects guided for PhDs include Infrastructure and Alternate green Energy ventures, Public sector undertaking projects, Small and Medium Enterprises, Bio Entrepreneurship, CRM design in Banking Industry, Retail, Digital and Social Media marketing as also social community group projects too. Also, a participant in the Govt. of India’s Digital India initiative project, the ePG Patshala, a Ministry of Education Project- National Mission on Education through ICT, of MHRD, he developed 40 E Content modules as Paper Coordinator for Skill Development and Social Entrepreneurship which have been of use for students worldwide.
- Publication
DR. ASIF ALI SYED and BIANKA RAY CHAUDHURYInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (IJEDS) 4(1) 2016, 1-22
20. Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Review with Reference to Banking Services
Shakti Bodh Bhatnagar, Dr. Asif Ali Syed and Dr. Jitendra Kumar MishraInternational Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT) Sept 2015 Vol 5. Issue 9
1. Asif Ali Syed and Asadul Haque, Adoption of Internet Banking in India- A Customer Relationship Management Perspective, International Journal of Management Development and Information Technology, Vol 11, Dec 2013, ISSN. 0976-8440
2. Asif Ali Syed and Shaktibodh Bhatnagar, Retail Banking in India – An Overview, International Journal of Management Development and Information Technology, Vol 11, Dec 2013, ISSN. 0976-8440
3. Naved Shamim Malik, Asif Ali Syed (2013) Buyer’s Behaviour in Organized Retail: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management ISSN: 0976-2183, Volume No. 4 (2013) Issue No. 04 April, pp.87-93
4. Shahla Jahan Chandel, Asif Ali Syed (2013) Changing Consumer Shopping Experience in Shopping Mall of Indian Shoppers. International Journal of Research inn Computer Application & Management, ISSN: 2231-1009, Volume No. 3 (2013) Issue No. 04 April, pp.98-103
5. Asif Ali Syed, Profiling Second Generation Indian Business Entrepreneurs using Entrepreneurship Process Framework and Business Strategy Orientation, The Utkal Business Review (The Journal of Business Studies), Vol XXIV, 2011-2012,ISSN No. 0975-6191
6. Maral Ejmalian, Asif Ali Syed, Chaos Theory Approach as Remedial Strategy for Financial Crisis in Indian SMEs, Al Barkaat Journal of Management, Vol 7 No. 1, January 2015, ISSN No. 0974-7281
7. Shad Ahmad Khan and Asif Ali Syed, Indian and Bhutanese Government Support Platform towards e-Marketing in SBEs: An Exploratory Study, Centre for Business Research and Entrepreneurship Development, Bhutan Journal of Business Management, Vol 2, Issue 1, ISSN: 2079 – 7680
8. Ruchika Jeswal and Asif Ali Syed, Customer Relationship Management in Small and Medium Enterprises, AAYAM, AKGIM Journal of Management, Vol.5, Issue 2, ISSN: 2231-4326
9. Asif Ali Syed, Imperative for Retailing in the Indian Marketplace, Management Insight, Vol. II, No, 2; December 2006, SMS Varanasi, RNI No. UPENG 02961/24/1/2004-TC
10. Javed Khan, Asif Ali Syed, Abid Haleem (2014). ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Management System Certifications in SMEs- Are Companies, Consultants and Certification Bodies serious? Global Evolution , ISSN: 2229-7588, Vol. 4, No. 1&2 Jan –Dec 2013: p.22-43
11. Bianka Ray Chaudhary, Asif Ali Syed and Raj Agarwal, Clustering – An Enabler to the leather footwear exporting SMEs, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, October 2015, Vol. 9 Issue 3/4, ISSN: 0974-497
12. Asif Ali Syed, Sanjeev Bansal and Anjali Singh, Social Capital Framework: Examining the Online Public conversation on Indian Discussion Boards, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, February 2014, Vol. 6 Issue 1/4, ISSN: 0974-497
13. Naim Ahmad, Abid Haleem, Asif Ali Syed, Study of reasons for enterprise systems adoption among Indian organizations, JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 27(6):696-718 · OCTOBER 2014
14. Naim Ahmad, Abid Haleem, Asif Ali Syed, Compilation of Critical Success Factors in Implementation of Enterprise Systems: A study on Indian Organizations, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management. 13(4): 217-232 Dec 2012
15. Shaktibodh Bhatnagar, Asif Ali Syed, Jitendra Kumar Mishra, Determinants of Customer Loyalty: A Review with Reference to Banking Services, Vol 5, Issue 9, International Journal of Marketing and Technology, September 2015, ISSN: 2249-1058
16. Javed Khan, Abid Haleem, and Asif Ali Syed (2014).Effectiveness of ISO 9001 Standard Clauses and Sub Clauses in Indian Auto Component Manufacturing SMEs, International Journal of Operations Management and Services ISSN: 2277-3193, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 1-6 © Research India Publications, January –June 2014
17. Asif Ali Syed and Asma Khan, Innovative practices in the convergent world of e-tailing, Innovative Practices for Competitiveness and Sustainability in Global Business Environment, Kalpaz Publications, Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-5128-148-1 (2015)
18. Bianka Ray Choudhury, Asif Ali Syed and Raj Agarwal, Study on the Impact of Marketing Mix on Export Performance viz-a viz the Leather Footwear Exporting SMEs of India, Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, Vol.7, Issue 3, July –September 2015, GJEIS Print ISSN: 0975-153X, Online ISSN: 0975-1432