M.A, M.B.A, Ph.D
Human Resource Management
B-30, Silver Oak Avenue, Street-04, Greater Azad Enclave, Doharra, Aligarh, 202002
- Publication
1. Impact of Organizational Learning and Transfer of Training, Proceedings of Annual International
Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for Digital Age,
Singapore 2011.
2. Impact of Training on Learning, Journal of Public Financial Management, Vol.1, No.2, July-
December 2009, New Delhi.
3. Retention-Fight against Talent Drain, Proceedings of 3 rd National Conference on Global
Recession and Indian Economy, March 21, 2009, Albarkat Institute of Management
Studies, Aligarh.
4. Impact of Locus of Control, Trainer’s Effectiveness and Training Design on Learning, The Indian
Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.44, No.1, July 2008.
5. Turnaround at Motorola India: Mobile Devices Business through the HR Lever, Case
Analysis V, Vikalpa, Vol.33, No.3, July September 2008.
6. Impact of Training on Business Performance: An experimental Research, Stamford Journal of
Business Studies, Vol.2, Issue-2, July-December 2007, Dhaka.
7. Impact of Training on Knowledge and Business Performance. The Journal of Indian Management
and Strategy, (8M), Vol. 12, No.3, New Delhi, 2007.
8. Work and Worker Redundancy, Case Studies of Two Technology Intensive Organizations, JoC,
Vol. 60, No.1, 2007, New Delhi.
9. Behavioural and Technological Dimensions of Quality in Health Care Sector, in Readings in
Applied Psychology, (eds). JV Publishing House Jodhpur 2007.
10. Organizational Structure, in Organization Theory and Behaviour (MC-01) course Booklet IGNOU,
11. Perception for a Dual Career Couple among professional course students, JoC, Vol. 58, No.1,
2005, New Delhi.
12. Resistance to Technological Change and Coping, SHRM, (ed) Excel Books, New Delhi 2005.
13. Temping: The Changing Face of the Work Force, SHRM, (ed.) Excel Books, New Delhi 2005.
14. Job Satisfaction of Indian Academicians: A study based on Gender and Age, JoC, Vol.57, No. 2,
April-June 2004, New Delhi.
15. Impact of IT on Organization and Quality of Life, Pioneer Management Research Journal for
Excellence, Jan-Dec 2002.
16. Forests shrinking area, widening despair, Agriculture Today, July-August 1999, New Delhi.
17. Management Education through Open Distance Mode, IGNOU, 1994
18. Tourism marketing a panacea for Foreign Exchange Earnings, DBA, AMU 1989.
19. Relationship between Organizational Learning and Transfer of Training: an Empirical Study,
Stamford Journal of Business Studies, Dhaka, December 2010.
20. Mapping Perceptions of Manager’s Behaviour on Safety Training: An Empirical Study Across
Gujarat, AIMA Journal of Management & Research, New Delhi, May 2014.
21. Transition from Voice to Data – The Case of the Indian Mobile industry, ITEE Journal,
Volume 3, Issue 6 December 2014, ISSN: - 2306-708X.
22. Influence of Mobile in Addressing Information Asymmetry among Indian Farmers: Evidence from
North India, Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol.3, Issue 5, July-Sept
2016, ISSN 2393-9907.
23. Understanding Dynamics of KMS Adoption in Indian ITes Organizations, Parikalpana - Kiit
Journal Of Management, 2017.
24. Talent Management and Value Creation: A Conceptual frame, Academy of Strategic
Management Journal, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2017.
25. Zenefits Reinventing Culture: Challenge for Sustainability, Casecenter UK.,2017.
26. Empirical Approach to Measure Employee Engagement: Evidence from Indian IT
Industry, Human Resource Management Research, p-ISSN: 2169-9607 e-ISSN: 2169-
9666, 2018; 8(1): 7-13.
27. Organisation Support Practices and Its Importance for Repatriates: An Empirical Study, Asian
Journal of Managerial Science, ISSN: 2249-6300 Vol.8 No.1, 2019, pp. 53-58.
28. Demographic Characteristics and Organizational Commitment: A Study of BPO Employees in
India, Journal of the Gujrat Research Society, Volume 21 Issue 13, 2019.
29. Blended Learning Ecosystem: A Fusion of Ancient Learning Methods and Modern Tools,
Abhigyan Volume- 36 No. 4, 2019
30. HRM Practices and their impact on Employee Retention: A study of Telecom Industry,
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 4,
31. Changing HR Roles, HR Effectiveness and its impact on Organizational Effectiveness; A Study of
Indian Healthcare Firms, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 8,
Issue 11, November 2019.
32. Workforce Participation in Health Promotion Programs in Indian Corporate Sector,
IJRTE Volume-9, Issue-1, 2020
Strategic Human Resource Management, (ed.), Excel Books, New Delhi, 2005.
Managing Quality in Health Care Sector, (Monograph), UBH, Aligarh 2004.