PhD (Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay); M.Tech (Polymer Processing & Technology, ICT Mumbai); B.Tech (Petrochemical Engg., AMU Aligarh)
Assistant Professor
Biodiesel Synthesis, Pyrolysis/Co-pyrolysis of Biomass/Plastic to Liquid Fuel, Modeling & Optimization using DOE (Designing of Experiment) Techniques
Room - P19, Department of Petroleum Studies, AMU Aligarh
Teaching Experiences:
April 2015 onwards: Working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Petroleum Studies, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Aligarh.
Four years of experience in Teaching Assistantship at I.I.T Bombay for courses: Reaction Engineering (UG & PG), Chemical Technology (UG), UG Lab (Mass transfer)
Industrial & Research Experiences:
2013-14: Research Associate in Department of Chemical Engineering, I.I.T Bombay.
2009-13: PhD research work in "Reaction Kinetics for Biodiesel Synthesis from Low-Cost Feed-Stocks: A Taguchi Approach"
2008: Research experience in "Solid-State Polymerization for synthesis of Poly-Lactic Acid biodegradable polymer" in Department of Chemical Engineering, I.I.T Bombay.
2007-08: Industrial experience in High Performance Coatings as a Chemist (Technical Officer), R&D Division, Asian Paints India Limited, Mumbai.
2005-07: M.Tech research work in "Zinc rich primer for corrosion protection of steel"
Institute / Department Responsibilities:
Ø Faculty Advisor – SPE International Students Chapter AMU
Ø Departmental Coordinator – B.Tech (Petrochemical Engineering) Program
Ø Departmental Coordinator – NBA2021 of B.Tech (Petrochemical Engineering) Program
Ø Departmental Coordinator – NAAC (Cycle 2) 2021, AMU
Ø Departmental Facilitator – Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), AMU
Ø Departmental Coordinator – LMS MOODLE, AMU
Ø In-Charge – Reaction Engineering Lab, Deptt. of Petroleum Studies
- Publications
A. Khan, A. Rafey, M.H.Z. Faruqi, F.Z. Siddiqui, S.A. Siddiqui, S.Z. Hassan. Performance evaluation of a ground source heat pump system in India using experimental and modeling approach. Next Energy, 2024, 5, 100169. []
Alaaddin M.M. Saeed, S Sharma, S.Z. Hassan, A.M. Ghaleb, Gui-Ping Cao. Intensification and Optimization of FAME Synthesis via Acid-Catalyzed Esterification Using Central Composite Design (CCD). ACS Omega, 2023, 8, 26206-26217. []
B. Shrirame, S.R. Geed, S.Z. Hassan, J.S. Verma, K. Samal, A. Namdeo, B.N. Rai. Supercritical CO2 extraction of caraway (Carum carvi L.) seed: Optimization and parametric interaction studies using design of experiments. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 65, 102195. []
K.B. Ansari, S.Z. Hassan, R. Bhoi, E. Ahmed. Co-pyrolysis of Biomass and Plastic Wastes: A Review on Reactants Synergy, Catalyst Impact, Process Parameter, Hydrocarbon Fuel Potential, COVID-19 Waste Management. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021 []
M.H.Z. Faruqi, F.Z. Siddiqui, S.Z. Hassan, Optimization of Microwave Treatment for Dewaterability Enhancement of Electroplating Sludge. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2021, 23, 566–588. []
M. Athar, S. Zaidi, S.Z. Hassan, Intensification and Optimization of Biodiesel Production using Microwave-Assisted Acid-Organo Catalyzed Transesterification. Process. Scientific Reports 2020, 10 (1), 1–18. []
S.U. Khan, R. Zaidi, S.Z. Hassan, I. H. Farooqui, A. Azam, Application of Fe-Cu Binary Oxide Nanoparticles for the Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Aqueous Solution. Water Science & Technology 2016, 74 (1), 165–175. []
S.Z. Hassan, M. Vinjamur, Parametric Effects on Kinetics of Esterification for Biodiesel Production: A Taguchi Approach. Chemical Engineering Science 2014, 110, 94–104. []
S.Z. Hassan, M. Vinjamur, Concentration-Independent Rate Constant for Biodiesel Synthesis from Homogeneous-Catalytic Esterification of Free Fatty Acid. Chemical Engineering Science 2014, 107, 290–301. []
S.Z. Hassan, M. Vinjamur, Analysis of Sensitivity of Equilibrium Constant to Reaction Conditions for Esterification of Fatty Acids with Methanol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52 (3), 1205–1215. []
S.Z. Hassan, S.A. Chopade, M. Vinjamur, Study of Parametric Effects and Kinetic Modeling of Trans-Esterification Reaction for Biodiesel Synthesis. Research Journal of Recent Sciences 2013, 2 (ISC-2012), 67–75.
R.N. Jagtap, P.P. Patil, S.Z. Hassan, Effect of Zinc Oxide in Combating Corrosion in Zinc-Rich Primer. Progress in Organic Coatings 2008, 63 (4), 389–394. []
R.N. Jagtap, R. Nambiar, S.Z. Hassan, V. C. Malshe, Predictive Power for Life and Residual Life of the Zinc Rich Primer Coatings with Electrical Measurement. Progress in Organic Coatings 2007, 58 (4), 253–258. []
Book Chapters:
K.B. Ansari, A. Banerjee, S.Z. Hassan, M. Danish, I. Arman, P. Khan, S. Rahman A.R., K. Naved, Q.T. Trinh. Chapter 9 “Two-Dimensional Based Hybrid Materials for Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2 into Hydrocarbon Fuels”, Accepted in Book “2D Nanomaterials for CO2 Conversion into Chemicals and Fuels”, Royal Society of Chemistry.
K.B. Ansari, S.Z. Hassan, S.A. Farooqui, R. Hasib, P. Khan, S. Rahman A.R., M.S. Khan, Q.T. Trinh. Chapter "Policies, Techno-economic Analysis and Future Perspective of Green Diesel". Book “Green Diesel: An Alternative to Biodiesel and Petrodiesel” in Springer Book Series “Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology”, May 2022 (online), 351–375. []
K.B. Ansari, M. Danish, A. Banerjee, S.Z. Hassan, D.V. Sahayaraj, M.S. Khan, Q.T. Trinh. Chapter 2 “Progress in Biomass Fast Pyrolysis: An Outlook of Modern Experimental Approaches”, Book “Innovations in Thermochemical Technologies for Biofuel Processing”, Elsevier, March 2022 (online), 21–62. []
K.B. Ansari, M. Danish, A. Banerjee, S.Z. Hassan, D.V. Sahayaraj, M.S. Khan, Q.T. Trinh. Chapter 5 “State-of-the-Art Practices to Upgrade Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Derived Bio-Oil”, Book “Innovations in Thermochemical Technologies for Biofuel Processing”, Elsevier, March 2022 (online), 115–147. []
- PKE3510 - Unit 3 (Fundamentals of Diffusion)
- PKE3510 - Unit 3 (Effects of External Diffusion_I)
- PKE3510 - Unit 3 (Effects of External Diffusion_II)