Food Quality,Food Packaging, Fruits and Vegetable Processing Technology
B-301,Paradise Homes, Near Sulaiman Hall, Aligarh
EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: (More than 20 Years):- In Food Industries in India and abroad and presently in academics.
I. 2021- Position: Professor,
II. 2018- Position: Associate Professor, Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, A.M.U. Aligarh
III. 2008 – 2018: Position: Asst. Professor ,Department of Food Technology, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard University, New Delhi
IV. 2005 – 2008: Position: Production Manager ,Hind Agro Industries Limited (HAIL), Delhi,
V. 2003 – 2005: Position: Asst. Production Manager , UAE.
VI. 1997 – 2003: Position: Senior Research Fellow, (Meat Science - Processing and Preservation) ,AMU, Aligarh, India
Life Member, Indian Association of Food Technologists, Mysore, India.
Life Member, National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi, India
Life Member, Nutrition Society of India, Hyderabad, India
Life Member, Indian Meat Science Association, Hyderabad
Life Member, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi
IHAF (Technical Expert, International Halal Forum, Dubai),FSSAI,NABCB(QCI),IRQS,ROYAL CERT, HALAL TRUST
- Viral contamination in food and beverage processing , Sadaf Nazir, Z.R.A.A. Azad and Mehvish Habib, Food Safety Contaminants and Risk Assessment,CRC Press,2024
- Food contaminants in meat and meat products, Mohammad Faiz, Sweta Joshi, Samiya Feroze Siddiqui, Alima Khan, Nazia Tabassum and Z.R.A.A. Azad,Food Safety Contaminants and Risk Assessment,CRC Press,2024
- Optimisation of multigrain seera from sorghum, green gram and finger millet: effect of ingredients on functional, structural and thermal properties, Sameer Ahmad, Gazia Nasir, Z. R. Azaz Ahmad Azad, Zober Alam Khan, Kulsum Jan, Khalid Bashir,Journal of Download PDF
- Milling/Pearling of Cereals,Farhana Mehraj Allai, Z.R. Azaz Ahmad Azad, Nisar Ahmad Mir, Khalid Gul, Cereal Processing Technologies, CRC Press,2023,eBook ISBN:9781003242192 Cereals are considered a major staple food and are significant sources of protein, energy, vitamins, dietary fibers, minerals, and bioactive compounds. The processing of cereals is considered to be the most important part of the food production chain. Cereal processing involves cleaning, conditioning, milling, toasting, cooking, etc. These pre-processing treatments modify the functional (water absorption capacity, viscosity), nutritional (chemical composition), and antioxidant properties that could inhibit the anti-nutritional factors and improve the nutrient availability and digestibility. Also, these processing operations improve sensory attributes and impart special properties. Over the years, the importance of milling on human health is being well understood. On a broader outlook, the influence of different methods of milling techniques has its pros and cons. This chapter discusses the impact of milling on the nutritional, functional, and biological properties of common cereal grains.
- Recent advances in non-thermal processing technologies for enhancing shelf life and improving food safety,Farhana Mehraj Allai , Z.R. Azaz Ahmad Azad , Nisar Ahmad Mir , Khalid Gul, Applied Food Resear
- Optimization of Fat Extraction Techniques in Khorasan Wheat using different Solvent System Basic Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences,Vol-5(1).2016 ISSN No:2315-6880 Peer Reviewed S.A.Ashraf, S.Khan, M.A.Khan and Z.R.A.A.Azad
- Edible Coating for Preservation of Perishable Foods: A review Journal of Ready to Eat Food, July-September, 2015 , Vol -2 , Issue 3, Pages 81-88,2016 ISSN No:2349-9206 Peer Reviewed J.Akhtar,P.K.Omre and Z.R.A.A.Azad
- A Foundation of Food Safety Management System(FSMS):Implementation of Good Agriculture Practices(GAP) The Bulletin of Agricultural Sciences,Vol-VI,pp-355-361,2009 ISSN No:0973-4023 Peer Reviewed Z.R.A.A.Azad
- Aseptic Packaging: The need of the time for Food Industries The Bulletin of Agricultural Sciences,Vol-VI,pp-363-370,2009 ISSN No:0973-4023 Peer Reviewed Z.R.A.A.Azad
- Shelf-life study of Sugar Cane Juice: Effect of Different Treatments Advances in Food Sciences,Vol-36,No-4,2014 ISSN-1431-7737 Peer reviewed, F.M.Allai, Azad,Z.R.A.A., B.N.Dar, T.Ahmad
- Simaltaneous Bio prospecting of Ganoderma Lucidium OE -52 with Ganoderic acid b and C2 by submerged fermentation process, Advances Science focus,Vol-1,pp-1-4,2013, ISSN-2330-0760 Peer reviewed IF-1.253 M.F.Ahmad, B.P.Panda, Z.R.A.A.Azad
- Role of smoking on the textural characteristics and shelf-life of buffalo meat, Journal of Industrial Research and Technology,Vol-2(2),pp-98-103),April,2012,Z.R.A.A. Azad
- Nutraceutical is the need of hours, World journal of of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol-2,issue-5,pp-Aug,2013,2518-2525,M.F.Ahmad, F.A Ahmad, Z.R.A.A.Azad, M.S.Alam,S.A. Ashraf
- Effect of packaging materials on the shelf-life and sensory characteristics of Buffalo meat during refrigerated storage Journal of Industrial Research and Technology,Vol-2(1,pp-51-57),April, 2012,Z.R.A.A. Azad
- Effect of conventional heat treatment on fatty acid profile of different edible oils using gas chromatography International Journal of Biosciences,Vo-4,No-1, pp-238-243,Jan,2014,Ishrat Majeed, S.A.Ashraf, M.F.Ahmad, M.A.Khan, Z.R.A.A.Azad
- Edible Mushroom as Health promoting Agent Advance Science Focus, Vol-1, pp-1-8, 2013,M.F.Ahmad, F.A.Ahmad, Z.R.A.A.Azad, M.I.Alam, J.A.Ansari, B.P.Panda
- Use of fine wine lees for value addition in the ice cream,Ajay Kumar Sarma, Rajeev Kumar, Z.R.A.A.Azad, P.G.Adsule,Journal of Food Science and Technology, page 10-13,May-2013,
- Safety Aspects of Nanomaterials in Natural Foods Farhana Mehraj Allai, Khalid Gul, Z. R. Azaz Ahmad Azad, Insha Zahoor, Sadaf Nazir, and Arshied Manzoor,Plant-Based Bioactive Compounds and Food Ingredients Encapsulation, Functional, and Safety Aspects,
- Potential of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Food Authentication Sadaf Nazir, Syed Amir Ashraf, Insha Zahoor, Z. R. Azaz Ahmad Azad, and Farhana Mehraj Allai,dvanced Research Methods in Food Processing Technologies Editors: Junaid Ahmad Mali
- Breakfast cereals from whole grain and Indian horse chestnut flours obtained through extrusion: Physical, mechanical and functional characteristics,Farhana MehrajAllaia,ZRAAAzad,B.N.Dar,KhalidGul,AbidaJabeen
- Development of Protein Rich Pregelatinized Whole Grain Cereal Bar Enriched With Nontraditional Ingredient: Nutritional, Phytochemical, Textural, and Sensory Characterization,Farhana Mehraj Allai, B. N. Dar, Khalid Gul, Mohd Adnan, Syed Amir Ashraf, Md Imt Download PDF
- Isolation and optimization of extracellular PHB depolymerase producer Aeromonas caviae Kuk1-(34) for sustainable solid waste management of biodegradable polymers Mohammad Amir,Naushin Bano,Abu Baker,Qamar Zia,Saeed Banawas,Mohd. Rehan Zaheer,Mohammad Shar Download PDF
- Gamma Irradiation Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Meiotic Cells of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Qamre Alam , Mushtaq Ahmad Khah and Z. R. Azaz Ahmad Azad ,International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34(5): 81-89, 2022; Article no.IJPSS.84188,IS
- Anti-Adhesion and Antibiofilm Activity of Eruca sativa Miller Extract Targeting Cell Adhesion Proteins of Food-Borne Bacteria as a Potential Mechanism: Combined In Vitro-In Silico Approach, Amir Mahgoub Awadelkareem , Eyad Al-Shammari , AbdElmoneim O. Elk
- Phytochemical and In Silico ADME/Tox Analysis of Eruca sativa Extract with Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Anticancer Potential against Caco-2 and HCT-116 Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Lines, Amir Mahgoub Awadelkareem , Eyad Al-Shammari , Abd Elmoneim O. Elkha
- Novel Processing Methods for Plant- Based Health Foods: Extraction, Encapsulation and Health benefits of Bioactive Compounds, Encapsulation Technologies: Prnciples and applications in Food Industry, Nazia Tabassum,Sweta Joshi, Varisha Anjum, Z.R.Azaz Ahma
- Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) Technology: Potential for Extraction of Food Components, Faizan Ahmad, Sadaf Zaidi, and Z. R. A. A. Azad,Handbook of Research on Food Processing and Preservation Technologies, Volume 1 Nonthermal and Innovative Food Pro
- Insect Pest Infestation During Storage of Fruits and Vegetables, Mifftha Yaseen, Basharat Ahmad Bhat, Jinku Bora, Yasmeena Jan, Muneeb Malik, and Z. R. A. A. Azad, Packaging and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables Emerging Trends:Emerging Trends, Ed-Tanweer
- UPLC-MS:An Emerging Novel Technology and its Application in Food Safety, Syed Amir Ashraf,Sadaf Nazir,Mohd. Adnan and Azad, Z.R.azaz Ahmad, Analytical Chemistry-Advancement,Perspective and Applications, Intech Open, ISBN 978-1-83968-020-5(2020)
- Black Currant, Farhana Mehraj Allai, Azad,Z.R.Azaz Ahmad,Khalid Gul,B.N.dar,Abida Jabeen,and Darakhshan majid,Antioxidants in Fruits:Propertiesand Health Benefits,Edtd Gulzar Ahmad Nayakand Amir Gul,Springer,(2020)pages 271-294, ISBN 978-981-15-7284-5
- Food Nano Technology: An Emerging Technology in Food Processing and Preservation, Sadaf Nazir and Azad, Z.R.Azaz Ahmad,Health and Safety Aspects of Food processing Technologies, Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginkaya and Huseyin Erten, Springer,(2019) page
- Ultrasound: A Food Processing and Preservation Aid, Sadaf Nazir and Azad, Z.R.Azaz Ahmad,Health and Safety Aspects of Food processing Technologies, Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginkaya and Huseyin Erten, Springer, page 613-632 (2019) Springer
- Insect Pest Infestation During Storage of Cereal Grains, Pulses and OilSeeds, Mifftha Yaseen, Tahreem Kausar, Bushra Praween, shafaq Javaid Shah,Yasmeena JAan,Surendra Singh Shekhawat, Muneeb Malik and Azad, Z.R.Azaz Ahmad,Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Ergi
- Emerging Technologies in Dairy Processing: Present Status and Future Potential, Sweta Joshi, Mobeen Ahmad, Khalid Bashir, Kulsum Jan, and Azad, Z.R.Azaz Ahmad ,Health and Safety Aspects of Food processing Technologies, Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginka,
- Emerging Technologies in Cereal processing: Present Status and Future Potential, Khalid Bashir, Kulsum Jan, Sweta Joshi, Shumaila Jan, and Azad, Z.R.Azaz Ahmad ,Health and Safety Aspects of Food processing Technologies, Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginka
- Food Spoilage and Food Contamination, Azad,Z.R.Azaz Ahmad, Mohd. Fahim Ahmad and Waseem Ahmad Siddiquee, Health and Safety Aspects of Food processing Technologies, Edited, Abdul Malik, Zerrin Erginkaya and Huseyin Erten, Springer, page 9-28 (2019) ISBN:97
- A Hurdle Approach for Preservation of Sea Food Products Using Different Storage Factors with Synergistic Bacteriocin, Md. Tasleem Khan and Z.R Azaz Ahmad Azad ,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation,2019; 8(1)
- Real Time-PCR coupled with melt curve analysis for detecting the authenticity of camel milk, Z.R. Azad, Wajeehah Wajahat, Sadaf Nazir, Gazia Nasir, Journal of Food Science and Technology, JFST-D-20-01720R1, June,2021
- .Development and Validation of an UPLC-ESI-MS/MS Analytical Method for the determination of Streptomycin and Dihydro-streptomycin Residues in Honey, Ashraf, S.A. and Azad, Z.R.A.A., 2017,Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal,10(4):1983-1992.NAAS-4.62
- Validation an Analytical Methodology for the Determination of Chloramphenicol Residues in Honey using UPLC-MS/MS , Ashraf, S.A. and Azad, Z.R.A.A., 2018., Oriental Journal of Chemistry,34(2):723-729. NAAS-5.05
- Improving the Quality and Shelf-life of Goat Meat Patties with herbs and Husk Incorporation,Tahreem Kausar,Mohd. Adnan Kausar and Azad, Z.R.A.A., 2018., Biochem Cell. Arch, !8(2):1569-1576. NAAS-4.46
- .Antagonistic Potential of Nutraceutical Microbial Bacteriocin against Seafood Pathogens, Khan ,M.T. and Azad, Z.R.A.A.,2018,International Journal of Research and Analytical Teviews,5(4):1590-1595. NAAS-5.76
- .Development, Characterization and Microbiological Evaluation of Defatted Groundnut Cookies., Ruhi Jan, Harhana Mehraj, Shaiq Ganaie, Khalid Gul, Azad, Z.R.A.A, Abaida Jabeen and Darakhshan Majeed., 2019,Annals. Food Science and Technology,20(3):534-542.
- Optimization of Finger Millets and Carrot Pomace based Fiber Enriched Biscuits using Response Surface Methodology, Ghazia Nasir, Khan Chand , Azad, Z.R.A.A. and Sadaf Nazir., 2020. Journal of Food Science and Technology,
- A review on functional ingredients in red meat products, Bioinformation, 15;15(5):358-363.Tahreem Kausar , Entesar Hanan , Omeera Ayob , Bushra Praween and ZRAA Azad,2019,
- Effect of pre-treatments on desirable qualities attributes of watermelon rind based candy ,Hina Nasir, Farhana Allai*, Amir Gull, Tariq Ahmad Ganaie, Z. R. A.A. Azad,Journal of Postharvest Technology 2020, 08 (1): 38-52 Download PDF
- Optimum Additive Composition to Minimize Fat in Functional Goat Meat Nuggets: A Healthy Red Meat Functional Food, Tahreem Kausar , Mohd Adnan Kausar ,Saif Khan , Shafiul Haque , and Z. R. Azaz Ahmad Azad,Processes 2021, 9, 475.
- Whole Grains: A review on the amino acid profile, mineral content, physicochemical, bioactive composition and health benefits Running head: Whole Grains as potential health foods. Farhana Mehraj Allaia, Z R A A Azad, Khalid Gul, and B.N.Dar aDepartment Po
- Aflatoxins: Occurrence in red chilli and control by gamma irradiation Omeera Ayob, Peerzada Rashid Hussain, Farah Naqash, Lubna Riyaz, Tahreem Kausar, Sweta Joshi & Zulfiqarur Rashid Azaz Ahmad Azad
- Evaluation of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Himalayan Red chilli varieties Omeera Ayob a, Peerzada Rashid Hussain b, Prashant Suradkar b, Farah Naqash c, Sarver Ahmed Rather b, Sweta Joshi a, Z.R. Azaz Ahmad Azad Download PDF