
बी.आर. अम्बेडकर हॉल

Hostel Rules and Regulations


Students should read and follow the rules and regulations of the hostels in letter and  spirit.

  • Students should reside in the allotted room
  • Students should not be allowed to go outside after 10:30 p.m.
  • Every visitor should enter his details in the visitor's register and mention the purpose of visit.
  • No student is allowed to smoke and /or drink liquor in the hall premises.
  • The students should avail the common room and reading room facilities as per the Hall timetable.
  • Students should take  their breakfast, lunch and dinner as per the scheduled time.
  • The In-Charge Dining Hall is to be informed about non-availability of students.
  • Meals will not be served in the rooms, except in special circumstances.
  • Students are not allowed to invite guests to their room. in case of any family member visiting the Hall, prior permission may be obtained from the Provost/Wardens.
  • Complaints cum suggestions form/Register to be provided to students by the Hostel Wardens.
  • Any cleanliness matter is to be brought to the notice of the Provost/Wardens.
  • Uses of high power electronic/electrical items (e.g. Room Heater, iron etc.) are not allowed.
  • Students shall NOT bring any extra furniture or other fixtures in the room.