इंदिरा गाँधी हॉल
Indira Gandhi Hall
Indira Gandhi hall, a hall of residence for undergraduate female students of Aligarh Muslim University was inaugurated in 1994. The hall accommodates female students of the Faculty of Unani Medicine, Under-graduate students of Women’s College (Arts, Social Science, Commerce and Science streams).
The principal administrator is the Provost who is responsible
for the management of the hall supported by a team of wardens and office.
Total capacity of the Hall: 697
Main Building: 524
Annexe Building : 173
Total strength of Non-resident Students: 833
total strength of the office staff and employees: 52
Indira Gandhi hall provides standard residential facilities. The hall has great diversity among its residents who come from various states of India, neighboring and distant countries (Bangladesh, Thailand, Gulf, Yemen, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan).
The hall inculcates independence, multi-culturalism, peaceful co-existence and healthy living.
Extra- curricular, co-curricular activities are organized on a regular basis to build the personality of students and enhance their confidence.
An effective communication channel exists between residents and hall management for maintaining standard living conditions, discipline, general management and all round development of the girls.

To build a robust environment for girls, where they can aspire to become healthy, happy, successful and enlightened global citizens.
To make them aware of the journey and dreams of the great founder of AMU, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who wanted the best for students of the University, to follow his footsteps and chase his dreams.
To develop closeness with nature in order to combat digital fatigue.
To learn the art of beautiful living.
Future Plans
• Teak Forest in wasteland
• Water Recycling Unit