Institute of Persian Research
Standard Operating Procedure (SoP)
Office of Institute follows the instructions of University regarding timing and holidays
Office Timing: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (All weekdays except Friday)
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Friday)
Attendance Register for Non-Teaching Staff and Project Fellows is maintained and signed by the above staff at arrival and departure.
Office of Institute maintains :
Despatch and Receipt Register
Stock Register
Budget Control Register
Cash Book
Advance Register
Leave Register etc.
Annual Audit of Income and Expenditure of grant of Institute of Persian Research by the Audit Party
of PDA, Prayagraj is done on regular basis.Annual Physical verification by the committee framed for the purpose is done regularly.
All stationery items, equipments, furnitures, almirahs etc. are purchased through GeM, the portal of Government of India.
Institute has 03 Project Fellows.
The research committee, comprising of Director, Advisor and Assistant Professor decides the project on the basis of utility, need and academic requirement of Persian Language and Literature.
The topics of project are given to the Project Fellows, who using the facilities of manuscript section of Maulana Azad Library, copy the assigned manuscripts.
After copying the assigned manuscripts, the manuscriptsare compared by other manuscripts available in different Indian Libraries.
The soft copies of Manuscripts available in different Indian libraries are providedon a written request and defined costs.
After thoroughcomparison of text it is composed and proof read.
The edited text is published through the Publication Division of University.
The Library of Institute has a collection of around 5000 books on variety of topics related Persian Language and Literature, Sufism, History, Philosophy etc.
The Library of Institute purchases books through the Maulana Azad Library.
Institute has an earmarked grant of Rs. 1.12 Lacs for purchase of books. The committee, comprises of Director, Assistant Professor and a member from Department of Persian, selects the relevant and significant books from the lists provided by different publishers, suppliers and online catalogues and list of selected books is sent to the University Librarian. Maulana Azad Library, who is authorized to place order of the books selected by Institute on behalf of the Director of Institute, the books are delivered to University Librarian and after accession in Central Library the purchased books are handed over to the Library of Institute by Maulana Azad Library.
The collection of books of Institute’s Library is accessible on the Portal of web OPAC of Maulana Azad Library. The students and scholars after getting access to books come to Institute’s Library and consult their required books in the reading hall of Institute from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.