Institute of Persian Research
Vision Plan
(1) Formation of Separate Research Cells to work on :
a). Contribution of Persian to the composite culture of India and the creation of a Syncretic society.
b). Iranology-Iranshanasi
c). Indo-Iran relations-Past & present
d). Impact of Persian Language and Literature on Urdu, Hindi, Sanskrit& modern Indian Languages
e). Interaction between Asawwuf & Bhakti
f). Persian as source of Medieval Indian History
G). Persian Terms used in India Legal system-a compilation with Hindi Equivalent
h). Khusro?s Works as source of India?s Socio-Cultural History
I). Contribution of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan & Aligarh Muslim university to Persian Language and Literature
J). Persian Language and Literature in India in 19th & 20th Century A.D.
K).Comparative study of Persian Prose in & Iran during 18th-19th Century A.D.
L).Comparative study of Persian prose in India & Iran during 18- 19th Century
(2) Persian Diploma Courses in collaboration with NCPUL New Delhi:
The Institute of Persian Research is planning to start these Certificate / Diploma Courses in collaboration with NCPUL. These courses will provide access to all those who have a high school and equivalent degree to learn Persian language.
(3) Regional Refresher Courses in Persian:
For Post Graduate Persian students Ph.D. Scholars and young teachers, refreshers courses will be organized twice a year of 15 days duration each. In every courses 15 to 25 participants and resource persons will be invited from all over Indian.
(4) Workshops:
Two days workshope on different useful topics will be organized twice a year for graduate / post graduate students. Resource persons will be invited to interact with them.
(5) Short Term Research Projects for Women:
To provide gender equity short term (3-6 months) research project are proposed for women who have M.A. degree in Persian but due to some house hold problem are not able to enroll in Ph.D.